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VCU_Blackhawk No 184 May 1963 NSWA psa rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…

Superboy no 125 December1965 Builders of the Future rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Comic Description: The comic…

Batman 131 april 1960 Hawaii rsz.jpg
Comic description: Hawaii's population is incredibly diverse. It's citizens come from many different racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This diversity is also reflected in the demographics of Hawaii's elected officicals. Because all of…

VCU_Superman no 162 July 1963 Tree grows on second street rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…
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