Female Humane Society, Richmond, Virginia


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Female Humane Society, Richmond, Virginia


The Memorial Foundation for Children’s story began in 1805, when a homeless girl supposedly presented herself at the door of Jean Moncure Wood, wife of Governor James E. Wood. Realizing that the city lacked a shelter for needy girls, Mrs. Wood worked to establish the Female Humane Association in 1807.

The Association was incorporated in 1811 and built its first shelter on the corner of St. John's and Charity streets in Richmond. It was later called the Memorial Home for Girls (1921), the Memorial Foundation (1946), and then the Memorial Foundation for Children (1962). Throughout its history, the organization has provided shelter to homeless children, guidance and psychological services, and daycare. In 1972, the foundation shifted from direct care to giving financial assistance to other local charities.


Scott, Mary Wingfield (photographer)



c. 1940


The Valentine


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Learn more: 
Constitution and By-Laws of the Female Humane Association of the City of Richmond, Adopted April 1, 1833. HathiTrust.org 
Memorial Foundation for Children. Records, 1811-2006, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (finding aid) 
"The Noble Asylum" Richmond Enquirer, Volume 40, Number 7, 2 June 1843 (p. 3 col. 2). Virginia Chronicle.



Scott, Mary Wingfield (photographer), “Female Humane Society, Richmond, Virginia,” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed March 9, 2025, https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/242.