Boat Ticket to Africa [American Nazi Party promotional material]
Boat Ticket to Africa [American Nazi Party promotional material]
Two-sided handbill in the form of a mock boat ticket on one side and, on the other, an advertisement for a product to turn white liberals into black.
A coupon gives an address where one may send away for additional copies of this "ticket" and request an introductory packet to learn more about the aims and ideals of the American Nazi Party.
A coupon gives an address where one may send away for additional copies of this "ticket" and request an introductory packet to learn more about the aims and ideals of the American Nazi Party.
Rockwell, George Lincoln
M 342, Box 13, Edward H. Peeples, Jr. Papers, Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library
Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries
The copyright and related rights status of this Item has been reviewed by the organization that has made the Item available, but the organization was unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the Item. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
Learn more:
George Lincoln Rockwell, Social Welfare History Image Portal
Miller, M.E. (2017). The shadow of an assassinated American Nazi commander hangs over Charlottesville. The Washington Post (August 21, 2017).
Backlash to Reform: Hatred and Extremism, Social Welfare History Image Portal
George Lincoln Rockwell, Social Welfare History Image Portal
Miller, M.E. (2017). The shadow of an assassinated American Nazi commander hangs over Charlottesville. The Washington Post (August 21, 2017).
Backlash to Reform: Hatred and Extremism, Social Welfare History Image Portal
Rockwell, George Lincoln, “Boat Ticket to Africa [American Nazi Party promotional material],” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed February 22, 2025,