New York State Department of Mental Hygiene presents Chic Young’s Blondie


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VCU_NY Dept Mental Hygiene Presents Chic Youngs Blondie inside back cover crop rsz.jpg
VCU_NY Dept Mental Hygiene Presents Chic Youngs Blondie back cover crop rsz.jpg


New York State Department of Mental Hygiene presents Chic Young’s Blondie


Educational comic book promoting sound emotional  health, particularly within families. A letter written by Newton Bigelow, M.D., Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the State of New York is printed inside the back cover.   

"As Blondie said, there is no magic formula, no set of rules for mental health. BUt there are some underlying principles that it helps to know about, especially in our relations with our children and with other people....applying them wherever possible to ordinary everyday situations, you may find that life is more satisfying, a little pleasanter for you, your children and the people around you.

You will understand yourself and others a little better and you will feel more inner contentment."

From front cover "The New York State Deptartment of Mental Hygiene presents Chic Young's Blondie in Scapegoat; Love Conquers All; Let's Face it; On Your Own. Produced by Joe Musial"


Comic Arts Collection, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries


King Features




Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries


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Learn more: 
Comics on a Mission: Educational and Public Service Comics, Social Welfare History Image Portal


“New York State Department of Mental Hygiene presents Chic Young’s Blondie,” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed February 23, 2025,