Explore the history of American social reform and social services 

The Social Welfare History Image Portal brings together photographs, pamphlets, artifacts and documents chronicling the history of the nation's response to human need. This history includes the work of volunteer organizations, reform movements, social workers, and government legislation and systems.

Featured Items

National League of Women Voters convention badges

M9 Box 230 National League of Women Voter Convention badges rsz.jpg

Convention badges for the National League of Women Voters Annual conventions. Fifth Annual Convention, April 24 - 29, 1924, Buffalo, NY Eighth Annual…

Striker in a gas mask, Passaic, New Jersey

American Labor Mus_Striker in gas mask rsz.jpg

A Passaic striker wears a gas mask for protection from the effects of tear gas. Police used tear gas, clubs, and firehoses to disperse crowds of…

Neighborhood House Boy's Basketball Team, 1926 - 1927

Beth Ahabah_NCJW Collection_Neighborhood House Boys Basketball Team  1926-1927 rsz.jpg

Photograph of boy's basketball team from Neighborhood House, Richmond, VA. Nine young men and their coach are shown with a trophy and basketball on…