Editorial cartoon by B. Ames (Blanche Ames Ames) from Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 21, May 22, 1915.Uncle Sam prunes a tree marked "Liberty" growing in a pot marked "Equality." The tree blossoms into a map of the United States.…
Suffrage cartoon by "B. Ames, 1915" (Blanche Ames Ames) from the Saturday, June 5, 1915 issue of Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No.23Image Description: Man standing on a deck, holds a life preserver marked Votes for Women. He says, "When…
Political cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames from Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 43, October 23, 1915. Image Description: A woman sits with her three children in a domestic scene. She is surrounded by symbols of her hard work and virtue.
Editorial cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames from the front page of Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, vol. 46, no. 40 (Saturday, October 2, 1915)."Anti-Allies and the Dog" shows a woman wearing a hat marked "Anti" impeding the progress of a woman on…