Article concerning the third publication in the Children's Bureau series on illegitimacy, "Illegitimacy as a Child Welfare Problem" (Bur. Pub. No. 66). Lists seven minimum standards for illegitimate children's welfare as adopted by the Children's…
This leaflet created by E. B. Rosa, Chief Physicist, U.S. Bureau of Standards, was published by the Boston League of Women Voters. It is an analysis of the total appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. "Taxation for the Federal…
Children's Bureau educational publication designed to help parents supervise their children's television experiences. The booklet encourages parents to guide, not censor their children's television watching, and to talk with them about what they see.…
Materials sent to pastors in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), urging them to contact their state representatives to oppose ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, which was adopted by Congress in 1924. Included are a note from…
A pamphlet in support of the Sheppard-Towner Bill (S. 1039, H. R. 2366) for the Protection of Maternity and Infancy. This bill "permits the formation of an advisory committee consisting of the Commissioner of Education, the Surgeon-General of the…