A pamphlet addressing resistance from white Americans to racial integration. Written by the Educational Director of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. The writer, Robert B. Eleazer, refutes the "Curse of Ham" as a justification for slavery or…
Pamphlet published by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, an organization which opposed lynching and promoted interracial dialogue and cooperation.Described on the cover as "stories summarized from press reports," the pamphlets relates…
A pamphlet explaining the origin and mission of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, an organization founded in January, 1919 in Atlanta. The group sought to further "mutual understanding, peace, and good will" between the white and black…
Letterhead: Commission on Inter-Racial Co-operation, Atlanta, Ga.210 W. Leigh St.Richmond Va. June 1st 1922Dear Miss Clark:The National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs will meet in this city during the first week in August and I am asked to…