Children of Forstmann Huffman employees participate in strike. They hold signs reading "WE WANT MORE FOOD AND MORE CLOTHES" and "WE ARE STRIKERS CHILDREN WE NEED MORE FOOD" Image dated March 8, 1926.
Pamphlet by Alexander Jeffrey McKelway, Secretary for the Southern States, National Child Labor Committee. With photographs by Lewis W. Hine, staff photographer for the NCLC. Lewis Hine made a photographic investigation of child labor in Virginia in…
Title printed across interior pages, "A Resume of the Work of the Consumers' League of the City of New York from January 1, 1914 to October 1, 1914"A pamphlet detailing the work and investigatory and legislative impact of the Consumers' League of the…
Political cartoon against the rejection of a bill to limit the number of hours per week women were legally permitted to work in canneries in the state of New York. Cartoon by Fredrikke S. Palmer shows Greed who has tied a heavy burden to a fallen…
Monthly publication of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Cover illustration by W. T. Benda (Władysław Teodor Benda).Two-page photo spread, "Her New Job -- 'Is It Nothing to You?'" shows women supporting the war effort by entering the…
Handbill from the Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage articulating arguments against giving women the right to vote. The Association give several reasons why suffrage will not help working women. The VAOWS was a group of women opposed to…
Pamphlet advocating for theChild Labor Amendment,passed in 1924, but never ratified.Cover cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper cartoonist John T. McCutcheon.[Image description] Two child laborers operate machinery. Above them is a cloud…
Illustrated title page in blue, white and black with the seal of the American Federation of Labor and 4 small scenes of a printer, machinist, construction worker and miner. At top of page: "Dedicated to Mr. Samuel Gompers." Seal at center shows the…
Membership solicitation card published by the American Association for Labor Legislation. One side has an editorial cartoon by Gordon Grant, republished from Better Times, a New York welfare magazine. It shows a family standing under an arch in…
Editorial cartoon created by Fred O. Seibel in 1922, and published in The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 1503.Image Description: A smiling woman sits at her office typewriter, grateful that she is not doing manual labor on the…