Echoing Woodrow Wilson's request for a Declaration of War in 1917, this handbill argued that women should be free from political duties just as they were free from the duty of fighting in war. The Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage,…
Handbill from the Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage articulating arguments against giving women the right to vote. The Association give several reasons why suffrage will not help working women. The VAOWS was a group of women opposed to…
Anti-suffrage handbill arguing that women have the right to exemption from political duties and to protection, "even against herself, if need be." An advertisement for a weekly journal, The Woman Patriot, is included on this…
Front and back covers of Social Justice,February 13, 1939. Social Justice was a national weekly periodical published by Father Charles Coughlin during the late 1930s and early 1940s.Couglin was a Canadian-American Roman Catholic priest based near…
Handbill published by the New York State Woman Suffrage Association. Excerpt:Votes for Women! The Woman's Reason. Because BECAUSE women must obey the laws just as men do, They should vote equally with men.BECAUSE women pay taxes just as men do, thus…
Handbill in support of the Federal Suffrage Amendment. Congress proposed the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920. Text excerpts:DO IT NOW! Give the vote to the women of every state in the Union by…
Editorial cartoon by Oscar Cesare originally published in the New York Sun. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1913), p. 15. Coleman Livingston Blease was governor of South Carolina from 1911 - 1915. He was notorious for…
Editorial cartoon by Boardman Robinson. Originally published in the New York Tribune. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine vol. 3, no. 2 (February 1913), p. 103. A man with a bowler hat, cane, and cigar looks down at a small barefoot boy standing…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
This pamphlet is a revision of the first Code of Wartime Practices for American Broadcasters issues five months previously. It contains guidelines for voluntary censorship related to "News" and "Programs." Because of the international character of…
Political cartoon by Charles H. "Bill" Sykes published by Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol . 46, No.22, May 29, 1915.A dour woman named "Anti-Suffrage" sits on the steps to block several young girls from leaving a house. Outside, girls from…
Pamphlet promoting the Principle of Independent Citizenship for Married Women and detailing the Curtis, Rogers, Johnson, and Shortridge bills. "In a study carried out under the Carnegie Foundation the replies from THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY JUDGES…
NWSA handbill listing the reasons why women teachers need the vote. Reasons given include: increased spending on education, improved public health and hygiene, children's well-being and child labor protections."Teachers need the vote because they…
NWSA flyer containing an essay by Mrs. Guilford Dudley of Nashville, TN. Mrs. Dudley addresses the fear among white Southern Congressmen that if all women are given the vote through a Federal Suffrage Amendment, the increase in black voting power…
Accessible PDFNational Woman Suffrage Association handbill, written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler. "Because the votes of the farm women would double the rural vote. Farmers have less political influence than they had before the civil war. Farmers need…
An emotional appeal from H. P. Petersen against "Woman Suffrage, that Godforsaken Evil." By Woman, was Eden lost, and man cursed.If you trust her, give up all hope of heaven. She cannot love, because she is too selfish. She may have a fancy, but that…
An anti-suffrage handbill which attempted to sway men's opinions by making them fearful. This one asks the reader to recall the American Civil War, which had taken place during their parents' lifetime.Text: "BEWARE! MEN OF THE SOUTH: Heed not the…
World War I pamphlet warning soldiers of the effect of sexually transmitted diseases.Transcription:"Soldier, you responded when your country called. You have put your strength, your manhood and your hope into this war. You want to be a clean-cut…
Broadside showing a bottle of alcohol. The bottle's label depicts a boy in short pants with a snake coiled around his body, The label reads "Fluid Extract of Hell. GUARANTEED TO KILL BOYS." Written on the bottle itself are statistics attributed to…
Venereal disease bulletin, no. 54. Public health pamphlet arguing that prostitution spreads venereal disease and cannot be "segregated, licensed, and made sanitary." Excerpt: "But every investigating committee that has reported on conditions in any…