Tips on Camping!
Binky gives "Tips on Camping!"
Comic description: Binky gives Allergy camping tip including: how to behave out-of-doors, how to take care of a camping knife, how to build a fire, and how to dress properly. Binky says, "Knowing the proper skills and the proper saftey measures will make your camping trip a happy one".
[Image description: Comic book cover shows Superboy's twin throwing a wrecking ball at a brick wall. Two men watch him and one says, "The wrecking machine is out or order -- so Supserboy is smashing that wall down, instead! Amazing, isn't it?". The real Superboy watches the robot Superboy with astonishment and thinks, "It certainly is amazing, Especially to me!"]
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values.
Publisher's Note: "Published as a public service in cooperation with The National Social Welfare Assembly, coordinating organization for national health, welfare and recreation agencies of the U.S."
Pencils: Win Mortimer
Inks: Win Mortimer
National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project, Social Welfare History Project
National Social Welfare Assembly, Social Welfare History Project
Comics on a Mission: Educational and Public Service Comics, Social Welfare History Image Portal