Why Should Women Vote? An Appeal to Gallant Men. [suffrage pamphlet]


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Why Should Women Vote? An Appeal to Gallant Men. [suffrage pamphlet]


Pro-suffrage pamphlet containing editorial cartoons by Lou Rogers, Phil Porter, and John T. McCutcheon, along with a map showing where women can vote.


p.1 (cover) "WHY SHOULD WOMEN VOTE? 
This booklet contains all the OBJECTIONS to woman suffrage, their ANSWERS, and the CREAM of all that has been said or written on this subject from Moses and Plato down to Saint Paul and the year of our Lord, 1915. 

The map that's more than half woman suffrage already -- what's the matter with making it ALL woman suffrage?

In the LIGHT States, women enjoy full suffrage. In the shaded States, women have taxation, bond, or school suffrage. In Illinois, women have Presidential, partial county and State, and municipal suffrage. In the DARK States, women have NO vote at all. 


p. 4 "Which side will get YOUR vote?...

Chief Justice Green said, 'The opponents of woman suffrage in Washington find themselves allied with a solid phalanx of gamblers, pimps, prostitutes, drunkards and drunkard-makers.' 

When respectable people find themselves in alliance with scoundreldom, is it not worth while to stop and consider whether they have not taken their stand in the wrong company?"


M 9 Box 50, Adèle Goodman Clark papers, 1849-1978, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries




Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, VCU Libraries



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“Why Should Women Vote? An Appeal to Gallant Men. [suffrage pamphlet],” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed February 23, 2025, https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/502.