Browse Items (60 total)

American Labor Mus_Police resistance_Martin Winkler rsz.jpg
Martin Winkler of Garfield, New Jersey is arrested for resistance, after which he received a 10 day prison sentence.This event took place during the Passaic Textile Strike, 1926.

American Labor Mus_Labor Meeting_woman with gas mask rsz.jpg
A woman holds a gas mask at a labor meeting.

American Labor Mus_Strikers relief store no 3 rsz.jpg
People stand in the doorway of the Textile Strikers General Relief Store No. 3. This store was run by the International Workers Aid.

American Labor Mus_Striker General Relief No 2 rsz.jpg
Textile strikers with their children in front of them stand in the doorway of a General Relief store. This was one of the strike relief centers run by International Worker's Aid.

American Labor Mus_Marching through snow and sleet rsz.jpg
Strikers march through snow during the Passaic Textile Strike, 1926. One woman blows a horn. Two signs are partially visible:"A Mill-Worker's Sunday Socks. One Pair A Year...""Things That Cause StrikesEmpty Milk BottlesWe Want More Milk For…

American Labor Mus_Singing Solidarity forever rsz.jpg
Strikers raise their fists and sing as they march down a street during the Passaic Textile Strike, 1926.  One striker wears a military uniform. Photograph is marked for cropping. The I.W.W. song "Solidarity Forever" was sung to the tune of "John…

American Labor Mus_Police and female striker crop rsz.jpg
Police with clubs restrain a female striker, Passaic County, New Jersey.

American Labor Mus_Drenching strikers rsz.jpg
Police use firehoses against a group of advancing textile strikers, Passaic County, New Jersey.

American Labor Mus_Striker in gas mask rsz.jpg
A Passaic striker wears a gas mask for protection from the effects of tear gas. Police used tear gas, clubs, and firehoses to disperse crowds of strikers.

Gus Deak, future president of the United Textile Worker's Local 1603, is in the left…

American Labor Mus_Silk Dye Workers Nancy Sandusky rsz.jpg
Silk dye workers just before arrest. Nancy Sandowsky at center.

American Labor Mus_Washroom and Kitchen rsz.jpg
A small room containing a toilet, stove, and washbasin. Photograph taken in Passaic County, New Jersey.

American Labor Mus_Mother and children in Botto House rsz.jpg
A textile worker stands beside her three children who are seated. Various cooking implements, a wash basin and wash board are visible.

American Labor Mus_A family meal 1926 rsz.jpg
Four children and a woman share a meal

AmerIcan Labor Mus_Strikers March_Passaic 1926 rsz.jpg
Strikers march down a public street during the 1926 Passaic textile strike. A group of strikers in front of the march wear World War I brodie helmets (doughboy helmets) and carry an American flag. A small boy runs along beside them.  This work…

Baylor Univ Libraries_AFL song.jpg
Illustrated title page in blue, white and black with the seal of the American Federation of Labor and 4 small scenes of a printer, machinist, construction worker and miner. At top of page: "Dedicated to Mr. Samuel Gompers." Seal at center shows the…

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Baylor Univ Libraries_The Equity Star.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano.Illustrated title page printed in red/black/white with a drawing of the emblem of the Actors' Equity Association; "As staged by Hassard Short at the Equity annual ball, Hotel Astor, November 19th 1921."Complete…

VCU_M 9 Box 104 Eight and one half million women workers_NWTUL rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting the work of the National Women's Trade Union League of America. The NWTULA advocates for better working conditions, hours, and wages for women and girls.Cover illustration of a young female factory worker. Her apron and the smoke…

M 9 Box 101_Child Labor Comm They Are Advancing p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet advocating for the Child Labor Amendment, passed in 1924, but never ratified.

M 1977_L3S66 1973 IWW Songs cover rsz.jpg
Ths is the 34th edition of the Little Red Songbook, also known as I.W.W. Songs or Songs of the Industrial Workers of the World. The book is a compilation of tunes, hymns, and songs used by the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) to help build…

M 9 Box 103 Closing of Occupations to Women p1 rsz.jpg
This leaflet was created by the Woman's Party to describe the important role the Woman's Party in campaigning for industrial equality as evidenced by increasing legislation restricting the industrial opportunities of women. "The effort to bar women…

M9 Box 229 Womans Journal and Suffrage News Oct 23 1915_Fredrikke S Palmer cartoon rsz.jpg
Political cartoon against the rejection of a bill to limit the number of hours per week women were legally permitted to work in canneries in the state of New York. Cartoon by Fredrikke S. Palmer shows Greed who has tied a heavy burden to a fallen…

M 9 Box 48 George Creel What Have Women Done with the vote p1 rsz.jpg
This article written by George Creel originally appeared in the March 1914 issue of Century Magazine and was reprinted in pamphlet form by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Creel's article provides an analysis of the consequences of…

M 86 Box 1 Womens Work and War p1 rsz.jpg
Women's Work and War: A Bulletin of Facts Concerning the Employment of Women to Meet the Deficit of Man Power in Our National Industrial Emergency. Published by the National Women's Trade Union League. p.1 "The working women are eager to help win the…

M 86 Box 1 Wages of Saleswomen p1 rsz.jpg
This pamphlet by the Consumers' League is an analysis of the 1907-1910 Bureau of Labor report on the condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. Specifically, this pamphlet looks into the 391 girls who worked in New York City's…

Association Monthly Feb 1918 rsz.jpg
Monthly publication of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Cover illustration by W. T. Benda (Władysław Teodor Benda).Two-page photo spread, "Her New Job -- 'Is It Nothing to You?'" shows women supporting the war effort by entering the…
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