Abiel Abbot, pastor of the First Church in Beverly, addresses the Massachusetts Society for Suppressing Intemperance at their third anniversary meeting.
Multi-paged booklet outlining the call, the objectives, and the supporters of the Citizenship Conference held at the Raleigh Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 13- 15, 1923.The conference was called "in recognition of the widespread propaganda for the…
Handbill advertising a Grand Temperance Mass Meeting held in Illinois (likely Dixon, IL) on Thursday Evening October 25, 1866. "Addresses by Rev. G.R.Vanhorne, Rev. S.S. Waltz and Prof. Ferris. A large delegation from the Red Ribbon Club of Amboy…
Brief article from The Woman's Journal republished as a single page leaflet by the Massachusetts Woman's Suffrage Association and The Woman's Journal.The article presents evidence of an anti-suffrage campaign by liquor dealers who fear that woman…
This program announces the topics and speakers for the Equal Suffrage League of Richmond's weekly meetings between Thursday, January 8, 1914 and Thursday, April 2, 1914. Topics for these weekly meetings include "Woman Suffrage and Organized…
We, the undersigned, connected with the Army of the United States, feeling the necessity of some fafe-guard against the evil of Intemperance so prevalent among us, and believing that Total Abstinence alone will prove effectual, do adopt the following…
Program for the Virginia Anti-Saloon League State Law-Enforcement Convention held February 1-2, 1922, and the letter that accompanied it. Letter (dated January 28, 1922) is from J. P. McConnell (James Preson McConnell), President of the Anti-Saloon…
Broadside showing a bottle of alcohol. The bottle's label depicts a boy in short pants with a snake coiled around his body, The label reads "Fluid Extract of Hell. GUARANTEED TO KILL BOYS." Written on the bottle itself are statistics attributed to…
Prescription for whiskey to be taken in milk 3 times daily. Filled at Purcell & Littlejohn pharmacy, Leesburg, Va.During Prohibition, the U.S. Treasury Department issued forms that authorized physicians to write prescriptions for medicinal…