Voting Status of Negroes in Virginia and Procedures and Requirements for Voting in Virginia


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Voting Status of Negroes in Virginia and Procedures and Requirements for Voting in Virginia


This 1944 booklet is the Virginia Voters League’s fifth annual report. The League began in 1941 and worked with the NAACP in advocating for increased African American participation at the polls. It was led by Luther P. Jackson, an historian and civil rights advocate who formed the Petersburg League of Negro Voters in 1935, which developed into the Virginia Voters League. The booklet details African American voting strength and includes instructions for voter registration. 

At this time in Virginia, the payment of a poll tax for three consequtive years was a requirement for voting. The booklet notes that in 1943, the number of blacks who met the poll tax requirement was 32,504. That number increased to 41,579 in 1944. Nevertheless, those numbers represent only 9 to 11 per cent of Virginia blacks of voting age, or expressed another way, about 89 per cent of blacks were disqualified from voting in 1944.  


Title page: "With grant-in-aid of publication by the Virginia State Teachers Association, Virginia branches of the N.A.A.C.P., Virginia lodges of Elks, the Eureka Lodge of Norfolk, Virginia chapters of Greek letter fraternities and sororities, and the Virginia Negro Organization Society." 

p. 4
This fifth annual report of the Virginia Voters League defines the voting status of Negroes in Virginia as of May 7, 1944, the last day for paying the poll tax in order to have voted in the ensuing August primary and the November election. In order to satisfy the demand for a statement of voting requirements in Virginia and other states this handbook devotes a section to this topic also. 

To all persons who seek to advance the political status of Negroes and to observe racial trends on suffrage in Virginia this publication may serve as a guide. 

The compiler of this report is again deeply indebted to the 124 county and city court clerks in Virginia for furnishing the data on poll tax paying either by letter or by sending the poll tax list itself. Every county and city is included in this report because every clerk cooperated. 

Pay the poll tax in order to abolish the poll tax.  


Jackson, Luther P.
Virginia Voters League


General collection, JK1929.V8 V8 1944, Library of the Virginia Museum of History and Culture, Virginia Historical Society




Virginia Museum of History and Culture, Virginia Historical Society



The organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information.

Acknowledgement of the Virginia Historical Society as a source is requested.


Learn more: 

Controlling the Vote -- Rights. Registration. Representation. Discovery Set, Social Welfare History Image Portal 

Dennis, M. Luther Porter Jackson (1892–1950). Encyclopedia Virginia 

"Va. highway marker honors creators of Virginia Voters League in Petersburg" The Progress-Index 
Poll tax, Social Welfare History Image Portal


Jackson, Luther P. Virginia Voters League, “Voting Status of Negroes in Virginia and Procedures and Requirements for Voting in Virginia,” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed March 29, 2025,