Within the first six weeks after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, staff attorneys from the Commission on Civil Rights visited 32 Southern counties and parishes to study the implementation of the legislation. This document is their report,…
Newsletter published by the Virginia State Conference-NAACP. The Candle's header shows two lighted candles and the motto, "It is Better to Light One Candle Than to Curse the Darkness."This issue includes reporting on the Virginia Political Action…
Brochure distributed by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which describes and promotes the "Crusade for the Ballot. To Double the Negro Vote in the South." The campaign aimed to double the number of registered Black voters in the…
Front and back covers of a four-page pamphlet created by the Crusade for Voters, Richmond, Va. The circular logo on the front cover shows a family of color with an American flag. Surrounding them is the slogan, "Every member of our family is a…
This 1933 booklet provides “a list of persons in Jefferson Ward in the City of Richmond, who have paid their State Poll Taxes.” Poll taxes were enacted by many southern states after Reconstruction to suppress African American voting. Such taxes were…
This 1944 booklet is the Virginia Voters League’s fifth annual report. The League began in 1941 and worked with the NAACP in advocating for increased African American participation at the polls. It was led by Luther P. Jackson, an historian and civil…
Editorial cartoon by Ding Darling, reprinted from the New York Tribune by the New York League of Women Voters to encourage voter turnout for the 1924 presidential election. Image Description: In the top panel throngs of people line a city street. The…
Poster reprinted from Collier's encouraging qualified citizens to register and vote in the 1924 presidential election. Voter turnout that year would fall short of the 1920 count. Text: Register! Vote!Don't be a parlor patriot. Don't be a…
Report of the President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation. The bipartisan commission was created by Executive Order on March 30, 1963 by President John F. Kennedy. The Commission was chaired by Richard M. Scammon, Census…
Bulletin No. 29 addressed To ALL REGISTRARS OF VIRGINIA. Stamped in red "Important Read Carefully." Excerpts: The 1958 session of the General Assembly made several changes in the Election Laws of Virginia stressing the duties of the registrars and…
Richmond Crusade for Voters flyer. A hand brings down a heavy hammer that says VOTE, and breaks a chain. Text: you've got it...USE IT! Votes mean FREEDOM. Register and voteVotes mean EQUALITY. Register and voteVotes mean first-class citizenship.…
Carbon copy of letter from John M. Brooks, Director of Voter Registration, Virginia NAACP to Medgar W. Evers, Field Secretary, Mississippi NAACP. Sent 20 May 1958 in response to Evers' letter of 15 May 1958. Text: Mr. Medgar W. Evers 1072 Lynch…
Letter from Medgar W. Evers, Field Secretary, Mississippi NAACP to John M. Brooks, Director, Voter Registration, Virginia NAACP. Dated May 15, 1958, the letter is an update on the progress of voter registration efforts in Mississippi. Text: Mr.…
Letter of encouragement from John M. Brooks, NAACP Registration Director following a meeting he attended in Mississippi. Text -- Dear Friend: My meeting with you in Mississippi was an inspiration to me. It proved my belief that, "if people are given…
Photograph of students from Luther Judson Price High School of Atlanta, Ga., prepare to register to vote. Caption attached to photograph: "18 year old high school students of Atlanta, Georgia as they embark by bus to register in the 1959 Voter…
This handbill was produced during Crusade for Voters campaign in 1976.The Crusade for Voters in Richmond, Virginia was started by John Mitchell Brooks, Dr. William S. Thornton, Dr. William Ferguson Reid, Ethel T. Overby and Lola…
Virginia State Capitation Tax receipts from the various years. Note: Names and addresses have been removed from these receipts. Poll taxes have a long and contentious history in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Payment of the tax first became a…