Search (101 total)

Record Type Title
Item Baylor Univ Libraries_The Equity Star.jpg The Equity Star
Item M 86 Box 1 Industrial Evils p1 rsz.jpg Campaigning against Industrial Evils
Item VMHC_VLF Badge.2002.148.6 rsz.jpg Virginia Federation of Labor Convention Badge. Bristol, Va., April 3, 4, 5, 1922
Item Baylor Univ Libraries_AFL song.jpg American Federation of Labor Song
Item M 1977_L3S66 1973 IWW Songs cover rsz.jpg Songs of the Workers: To Fan the Flames of Discontent. IWW Songs
Item Simmons_History of Trade Unionism among Women in Boston_WTUL_001 crop rsz.jpg The History of Trade Unionism among Women in Boston.
Item M 9 Box 98 Labor Laws in War Time_AALL Special Bulletin_p1 rsz.jpg Labor Laws in War Time. Special Bulletin, No. 1, April, 1917
Item M9 Box 230 Adele Clark_Errand Boys Child labor street permit crop rsz2.jpg Errand Boys, Child Labor Street Permit #254 [pinback button]
Item M 9 Box 101_Child Labor Comm They Are Advancing p1 rsz.jpg They Are Advancing
Item Tulane Univ_Segregation in the Field of Public and Private Law_ToC p1 rsz.jpg Report, Segregation in the Field of Public and Private Law [excerpt]
Item M 86 Box 1 Wages of Saleswomen p1 rsz.jpg Wages of Saleswomen: What the United States Government Says and What the Consumers' League Knows
Item American Labor Mus_Labor Meeting_woman with gas mask rsz.jpg Labor meeting, Passaic Textile Strike, 1926
Item American Labor Mus_Strikers relief store no 3 rsz.jpg Textile Strikers General Relief Store No. 3
Item U Minnesota_SWHA_Zimand G sw0212 B2 F17 What did Miss Abbott Really Say pamphlet p1 rsz.jpg What Did Miss Abbott Really Say? [NCLC pamphlet]
Item U Minnesota_SWHA_Sw0084 Kellogg B22 F197 Child Labor Amendment 1924 page 1 rsz.jpg "The Child Labor Amendment" to U.S. Constitution.  [Anti- Child Labor Amendment pamphlet]
Item American Labor Mus_Drenching strikers rsz.jpg Drenching strikers with firehoses
Item U Minnesota_SWHA_Kellogg Sw0084 B22 F197 Here in Massachusetts p1 rsz.jpg Here in Massachusetts [Massachusetts Child Labor Committee pamphlet]
Item American Labor Mus_Police resistance_Martin Winkler rsz.jpg Police resistance, Passaic Textile Strike, 1926
Item American Labor Mus_Speech In Park rsz.jpg Speech in Belmont Park, Garfield, New Jersey, 1926
Item American Labor Mus_Police and female striker crop rsz.jpg Police with clubs restrain female striker
Item American Labor Mus_Washroom and Kitchen rsz.jpg Room combining washroom and kitchen
Item American Labor Mus_Mother and children in Botto House rsz.jpg Textile worker and her children
Item American Labor Mus_Child strikers Passaic 1926 rsz.jpg Child strikers, Passaic Textile Strike, 1926
Item VCU_NC 1300_C37 v3 n4 Happy Childhood Days p239 rsz.jpg Happy Childhood Days [editorial cartoons by F. T. Richards and Thomas May]
Item HD 6250_U3A5 1920 An Amendment to the Constitution is Needed p1 rsz.jpg An Amendment to the Constitution is Needed to Give the United States Power to Safeguard the Child Life of the Nation