Pamphlet describing the events of the Third Annual Convention of the National League of Women Voters and to the Pan-American Conference of Women held at Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore, Maryland, from April 24th to 29th, 1922. This convention discussed…
Title printed across interior pages, "A Resume of the Work of the Consumers' League of the City of New York from January 1, 1914 to October 1, 1914"A pamphlet detailing the work and investigatory and legislative impact of the Consumers' League of the…
The Eight-Hour Day for Women. Pamphlet by the National Women's Trade Union League petitioning for an eight-hour bill to be passed. "National Women's Trade Union League: The Eight-Hour Day. A Living Wage. To Guard the Home."
Publication discussing the importance of protections for the civilian labor force during wartime. Discusses efficiencey Includes concerns for safety, sanitation, hours, wages, child labor, woman's work, social insurance, labor market and…
Do You Know Where Your Clothes Are Washed? A Bulletin on Laundry Conditions in New York City. Issued by The Consumers' League of the City of New York. This bulletin addresses the physical conditions, hours, and wages of laundries in New York…
A report from the Committee on Women in Industry of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense.These standards include recommendations on tenement house work, child labor, protection of mothers, wages, hours, seats, extra heavy and…
"They Shall Not Pass" cover cartoon by C. D. Batchelor "They Work Together: Why Not Vote Together" from photo spread pp. 28-29, entitled "Light Work for Ladies."
Pamphlet advocating for theChild Labor Amendment,passed in 1924, but never ratified.Cover cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper cartoonist John T. McCutcheon.[Image description] Two child laborers operate machinery. Above them is a cloud…
Issued by the Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D.C.; Series: Monograph ; no. 3.; Vocational Rehabilitation Series ; no. 3"The great American Congress felt the pulse of the Nation. It has charged the Federal Board for Vocational…