NWSA flyer containing an essay by Mrs. Guilford Dudley of Nashville, TN. Mrs. Dudley addresses the fear among white Southern Congressmen that if all women are given the vote through a Federal Suffrage Amendment, the increase in black voting power…
Publication of the Americanization Committee of the NAWSA. Grace H. Bagley (Mrs. Frederick P. Bagley), Chairman.Excerpts: p. 1 "SPEAKING ENGLISH IS THE FIRST STEP IN AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP AND THEREFORE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS THE NATION-WIDE MEDIUM FOR…
Letter fro Grace H. Bagley to district organizations of the NAWSA, announcing a forthcoming Americanization campaign as an act of war service. Header: War Service of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Department of…
Woman’s Exchange January 8, 1932
The Richmond Exchange for Woman’s Work is the first woman’s shop established in Richmond which has been in continuous operation for almost fifty years. It was established in 1883 to assist ladies who,…
An informative pamphlet created by Mrs. George Bass, Chairman of the Woman's Bureau Democratic National Committee for the woman voter. This pamphlet outlines twelve informative facts about the League of Nations. "There are 81,000 reasons why the…
Letter from Martin L. Calhoun, Secretary Treasurer of the Alabama Male Association Opposed to Woman's Suffrage dated 15 August 1919. The letter was sent to the Hon. H. D. Dillard (of Franklin County, Va.), General Assembly, Richmond, Va. Calhoun is…
This booklet by Carrie Chapman Catt likens suffrage to patriotism. According to Catt, the United States "is engaged in two wars, one with an enemy in Europe and one with an enemy at home. Many an American family is left behind without a voter to…
This pamphlet written by Carrier Chapman Catt, Director of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, is advertising for a school of education for citizenship in Chicago. As described by Catt, "the aim of the school is to train women, already…
"War Aims: War Messages to The American People" was written by Carrie Chapman Catt and provides a critical analysis of the United States' failure to give women the right to vote while other countries have far surpassed America in this regard. "Give…
One in a serial publication of the Immigration Committeee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. This bulletin encourages local Chambers of Commerce and the industries of the country to render national service by celebrating July…
A pamphlet in support of the Sheppard-Towner Bill (S. 1039, H. R. 2366) for the Protection of Maternity and Infancy. This bill "permits the formation of an advisory committee consisting of the Commissioner of Education, the Surgeon-General of the…
This program announces the topics and speakers for the Equal Suffrage League of Richmond's weekly meetings between Thursday, January 8, 1914 and Thursday, April 2, 1914. Topics for these weekly meetings include "Woman Suffrage and Organized…
World War I poster created by Haskell Coffin for the United States Treasury Department.A radiant Joan of Arc wearing a suit of armor, lifts her sword and gazes heavenward. Text: Joan of Arc Saved France. Women of America Save Your Country. Buy War…
From front cover: "Excerpts from pronouncements of different Woman's State Committees on Race Relations"Statements from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia;…
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
A report from the Committee on Women in Industry of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense.These standards include recommendations on tenement house work, child labor, protection of mothers, wages, hours, seats, extra heavy and…
This pamphlet by the Consumers' League is an analysis of the 1907-1910 Bureau of Labor report on the condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. Specifically, this pamphlet looks into the 391 girls who worked in New York City's…
Title printed across interior pages, "A Resume of the Work of the Consumers' League of the City of New York from January 1, 1914 to October 1, 1914"A pamphlet detailing the work and investigatory and legislative impact of the Consumers' League of the…
Letter from President Coolidge to Kate Waller Barrett regarding the Florence Crittenton Mission which managed homes for unwed mothers and prostitutes.Transcription: The White HouseWashington October 23, 1924.My dear Mrs. Barrett:It is not easy to…
This article written by George Creel originally appeared in the March 1914 issue of Century Magazine and was reprinted in pamphlet form by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Creel's article provides an analysis of the consequences of…
Accessible PDFNational Woman Suffrage Association handbill, written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler. "Because the votes of the farm women would double the rural vote. Farmers have less political influence than they had before the civil war. Farmers need…
A packet and five covers of pamphlets "designed to make possible intelligent discussion for study groups, clubs, high school classes, etc." Each pamphlet focuses on a different topic: World Court, League of Nations, Disarmament and Reparations,…
"War Messages to The American People: Why Men Need Equal Suffrage for Women" is a booklet written by A. Caswell Ellis and details four key points regarding why American men need equal suffrage for women. According to Ellis, "First, the men of this…
WOMAN'S HOURNot for herself! Though Sweet the air of freedom;Not for herself! Though dear the newborn power;But for the Child who needs a nobler Mother,For the Whole People needing One another,Comes Woman to her Hour.Design by Corneille Clarke, Words…