Browse Items (513 total)

M 9 Box 98 AALL Standard Recommendations for the Relief and Prevention of Unemployment rsz.jpg
Cover cartoon by Rollin Kirby, from The New York World  Back page cartoon by Gordon Grant from Better Times.

M 86 Box 1 Do You Know Where Your Clothes Are Washed cover038 rsz.jpg
Do You Know Where Your Clothes Are Washed? A Bulletin on Laundry Conditions in New York City. Issued by The Consumers' League of the City of New York. This bulletin addresses the physical conditions, hours, and wages of laundries in New York…

M9 Box 48 December Bulletin NAWSA Americanization Committee p1 rsz.jpg
Publication of the Americanization Committee of the NAWSA. Grace H. Bagley (Mrs. Frederick P. Bagley), Chairman.Excerpts: p. 1 "SPEAKING ENGLISH IS THE FIRST STEP IN AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP AND THEREFORE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS THE NATION-WIDE MEDIUM FOR…

M 86 Box 1 Committee on Women in Industry034 rsz.jpg
A report from the Committee on Women in Industry of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense.These standards include recommendations on tenement house work, child labor, protection of mothers, wages, hours, seats, extra heavy and…

M 9 B 48 NAWSA Questionnaire For Survey For Americanization Work rsz.jpg
Questionnaire to be used by districts of the NAWSA for organizing Americanization efforts.

M 9 B 48 NAWSA War Service_Americanization Campaign letter rsz.jpg
Letter fro Grace H. Bagley to district organizations of the NAWSA, announcing a forthcoming Americanization campaign as an act of war service. Header: War Service of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Department of…

M 9 B 48_Bulletin No 8_Immigration Committee_Chamber of Commerce USA_3_1_1917 rsz.jpg
One in a serial publication of the Immigration Committeee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. This bulletin encourages local Chambers of Commerce and the industries of the country to render national service by celebrating July…

NAWSA War Service_Dept of Americanization letter rsz.jpg
Letter calling for suffragists to "inaugurate the Americanization work adopted as one of the four departments of patriotic service" by "joining in a nation-wide celebration" on July 4th with a local "Reception to the Newly Naturalized Citizens.""Have…

M9 B49 NAWSA Handbills and flyers_Liquor vs suffrage p1 crop.jpg
Brief article from The Woman's Journal republished as a single page leaflet by the Massachusetts Woman's Suffrage Association and The Woman's Journal.The article presents evidence of an anti-suffrage campaign by liquor dealers who fear that woman…

M9 Box 49 Federal Suffrage Amendment flyer rsz.jpg
Informational flyer that clarifies facts related to the Federal Suffrage Amendment (Nineteenth Amendment). "Woodrow Wilson stands for the federal suffrage amendment. The South will make no mistake in following the lead of the Democratic President of…

M9 Box 49 Madam Who Keeps Your House rsz.jpg
Illustrated NWSA handbill urging women to become involved in politics. "Madam, if you want your house well kept, you MUST meddle with politics, because politics has already meddled with you. Be an efficient, modern housekeeper and demand VOTES FOR…

M9 Box 49 Teachers need the vote rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill listing the reasons why women teachers need the vote. Reasons given include: increased spending on education, improved public health and hygiene, children's well-being and child labor protections."Teachers need the vote because they…

M9 Box 49 Suffrage Planks_NWSA handbill rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill outlining the Democratic, Progressive, Prohibition, Republican and Socialist party's position on suffrage.

M9 Box 49 The Negro vote in the south NWSA flyer rsz.jpg
NWSA flyer containing an essay by Mrs. Guilford Dudley of Nashville, TN. Mrs. Dudley addresses the fear among white Southern Congressmen that if all women are given the vote through a Federal Suffrage Amendment, the increase in black voting power…

M9 Box 49 Women vote under these flags rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill showing the flags of democracies where women have the vote. "UNITED STATES Why do not ALL WOMEN Vote under the flag of DEMOCRACY"

M9 Box 49 Catholic Opinions_NWSA handbill rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill featuring quotations from prominent Catholic clergy. "His Eminence Jame Cardinal Gibbons: 'The Church has taken no official attitude on the subject, but leaves the matter to the good judgment of her children as to what they think best.…

M9 Box 49 Six Reasons Why Farmers Wives Should Vote rsz.jpg
Accessible PDFNational Woman Suffrage Association handbill, written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler. "Because the votes of the farm women would double the rural vote. Farmers have less political influence than they had before the civil war. Farmers need…

M9 Box 49 Better Babies p1 rsz.jpg
National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) pamphlet on how woman suffrage improves children's health. Cover editorial cartoon by Rose O'Neill. Originally published in The Woman Voter, May 1916.Text excerpts: "300,000 babies die every year in the…

M 9 Box 51 Anti Suffrage Bill H P Peterson rsz.jpg
An emotional appeal from H. P. Petersen against "Woman Suffrage, that Godforsaken Evil." By Woman, was Eden lost, and man cursed.If you trust her, give up all hope of heaven. She cannot love, because she is too selfish. She may have a fancy, but that…

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Diagram of increased vote in NY rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage handbill in opposition to the Federal Suffrage Amendment. "FIGHT Federal Suffrage and FIGHT it NOW"

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Red behind the Yellow rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage handbill from the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage."Every Socialist leader admits that the extension of the franchise to women is ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF SOCIALISM....The New York State Men's League for Woman…

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Beware Men of the South rsz.jpg
An anti-suffrage handbill which attempted to sway men's opinions by making them fearful. This one asks the reader to recall the American Civil War, which had taken place during their parents' lifetime.Text: "BEWARE! MEN OF THE SOUTH: Heed not the…

M 9 B 55 Awakening postcard rsz.jpg
The Awakening. She's awakened, She is answering To the Call of all MANKIND; Then annul the Laws That Bind her, And the Customs That restrict her, Deny Her Not The greater service, For the Child, The Home, The State.Copyright 1912, and Published by…

M 9 B 55 Womans Hour postcard rsz.jpg
WOMAN'S HOURNot for herself! Though Sweet the air of freedom;Not for herself! Though dear the newborn power;But for the Child who needs a nobler Mother,For the Whole People needing One another,Comes Woman to her Hour.Design by Corneille Clarke, Words…

M 9 B 55 United Equal Suffrage States_Four states rsz.jpg
Suffrage postcard No. 126. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America WYOMING 1890COLORADO 1893UTAH 1896IDAHO 1896 A star will…
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