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Baylor_Poage_Box 241 f 13_Use of Mexican Workers Does Not Depress Farm Wages p1 rsz.jpg
This article compares the hourly wages of farm workers state-by-state, along with the number of Mexican workers employed in 1962. The document's author states, "The current average hourly farm wage of the 21 States in which Mexican workers were used…

Baylor_Poage_B241 f13_Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers letter rsz.jpg
This letter was written to Congressman W. R. Poage by Betty Jane Whitaker, Co-chairman of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers, asking him to help improve the lives of migrant workers and their children. Whitaker asks for this to be done…

M9 Box 49 Six Reasons Why Farmers Wives Should Vote rsz.jpg
Accessible PDFNational Woman Suffrage Association handbill, written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler. "Because the votes of the farm women would double the rural vote. Farmers have less political influence than they had before the civil war. Farmers need…

Baylor_Poage_Position of Farm Worker_ R_Myers_cover rsz.jpg
This pamphlet, written by Robin Myers and published by the National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor, describes the rights of migrant farm workers in the late 1950s. This excerpt describes the conditions and the rights of child workers at both the…

Baylor_Poage B241 f13_ Migrant Children and Youth title page rsz.jpg
Sent to Congressman W. R. Poage (Texas) with a cover letter signed by Betty Jane Whitaker of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers.This paper was written by Florence R. Wyckoff, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Families Who Follow the Crops,…

M 9 Box 48 How to reach the rural voter cover rsz.jpg
This booklet entitled, "How To Reach The Rural Voter," was written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler as a part of the National Woman Suffrage Association's "Efficiency Book Series." This booklet outlines step-by-step instructions on how to best appeal to…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Elihu Root Warns the South_James Callaway rsz.jpg
Broadside publishing an essay by James Callaway, editor of the Macon Telegraph and an ardent anti-suffragist. Callaway quotes Senator William Borah: "The cornerstone of the very fabric of our system is the right of local self-government as to who…

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Diagram of increased vote in NY rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage handbill in opposition to the Federal Suffrage Amendment. "FIGHT Federal Suffrage and FIGHT it NOW"

VCU_M 23 Box 3 Seibel Working Woman Cartoon no 1503 date 1922 crop rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon created by Fred O. Seibel in 1922, and published in The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 1503.Image Description: A smiling woman sits at her office  typewriter, grateful that she is not doing manual labor on the…
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