Browse Items (514 total)

OneVirginia2021 pinback button crop rsz.jpg
Pinback button created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

OneVirginia2021 Free Our Districts bumper sticker rsz.jpg
Bumper sticker created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v2 n6 DEC 1912 Walker O_Loughlin Will this letter be answered rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Walker O'Loughlin originally published in the Portland Telegram. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 2, no. 6 (December 1912), p. 9. A girl in ragged clothing holds up a small boy so he can drop a letter into a U.S. Mail…

VCU_M71 The Woman's Reason Because rsz.jpg
Handbill published by the New York State Woman Suffrage Association. Excerpt:Votes for Women! The Woman's Reason. Because BECAUSE women must obey the laws just as men do, They should vote equally with men.BECAUSE women pay taxes just as men do, thus…

VCU_M71 Women in the Home NY State Woman Suffrage handbill rsz.jpg
Handbill published by the New York State Woman Suffrage Association.Excerpts:"WOMEN IN THE HOMEWe are forever being told that the place for women is in the HOME. Well, so be it. But what do we expect of her in the home? Merely to stay in the home is…

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Red behind the Yellow rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage handbill from the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage."Every Socialist leader admits that the extension of the franchise to women is ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF SOCIALISM....The New York State Men's League for Woman…

Simmons_NYSSV_Annual report 1874_001 rsz.jpg
The first annual report of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice includes information about the Society’s incorporation, mission, and statistics about crime in New York in 1874."This Institution was forced into existence by the enormity…

Baylor Univ Libraries_Empty cellar blues.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano Illustrated title page in blue and white by Sofy Davenport with a photograph of Sophie Tucker; "Introduced by Sophie Tucker."Complete score available from Baylor University Libraries Digital Collections.

M 86 Box 1 Eight Hour Day for Women042 rsz.jpg
The Eight-Hour Day for Women. Pamphlet by the National Women's Trade Union League petitioning for an eight-hour bill to be passed. "National Women's Trade Union League: The Eight-Hour Day. A Living Wage. To Guard the Home."

VCU_M 9 Box 104 Eight and one half million women workers_NWTUL rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting the work of the National Women's Trade Union League of America. The NWTULA advocates for better working conditions, hours, and wages for women and girls.Cover illustration of a young female factory worker. Her apron and the smoke…

M 86 Box 1 Womens Work and War p1 rsz.jpg
Women's Work and War: A Bulletin of Facts Concerning the Employment of Women to Meet the Deficit of Man Power in Our National Industrial Emergency. Published by the National Women's Trade Union League. p.1 "The working women are eager to help win the…

M 9 Box 103 Womans Bill of Rights 1922 rsz.jpg
This leaflet produced by the National Woman's Party, Virginia Branch, is a copy of the Woman's Bill of Rights, as introduced in the Virginia Legislature in 1922. "To provide that women shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities under the…

VCU_M9 B49 NAWSA Handbills Do It Now crop rsz.jpg
Handbill in support of the Federal Suffrage Amendment. Congress proposed the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.  Text excerpts:DO IT NOW! Give the vote to the women of every state in the Union by…

Headquarters News Letter p1.jpg
This headquarters newsletter was published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association in January 1917. it contains suffrage-related news and commentaries of the time.

M 9 Box 48 Effect of the Vote of Women on Legistlation cover p1 rsz.jpg
This booklet is "an investigation in the equal suffrage states made in Dec., 1913, by 'The Evening Sun,' of New York City, and Brought up to the end of the legislative session of 1915." This report investigates the following questions: 1) "Do women…

M9 Box 49 Women vote under these flags rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill showing the flags of democracies where women have the vote. "UNITED STATES Why do not ALL WOMEN Vote under the flag of DEMOCRACY"

Beth Ahabah_National Socialist White Peoples Party_Boating not Busing flyer rsz.jpg
Anti-busing, anti-integration, anti-government flyer created by the National Socialist White Peoples Party (previously named the American Nazi Party) of Arlington, Va.Using violent antisemitic and racist speech, this flyer paints a dire picture of an…

M 86 Box 1 Pan American COnference of Women MD p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet describing the events of the Third Annual Convention of the National League of Women Voters and to the Pan-American Conference of Women held at Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore, Maryland, from April 24th to 29th, 1922. This convention discussed…

Standards Recommended 1923 p1 rsz.jpg
This pamphlet created by the National League of Women Voters addresses the standards recommended by the committee on uniform laws concerning the legal status of women in 1923. The National League of Women Voters provide analyses of women's former,…

M 86 Box 1Few Opinions about the NLWV p 1 rsz.jpg
This pamphlet includes quotes from the Hon. John W. Davis, attorney, former ambassador to Great Britain, Edward A Filene, President Wm. Filene's Sons Company, Raymond B. Fosdick, attorney, Herbert Adams Gibbons, Spencer-Trask lecturer at Princeton…

M9 Box 230 National League of Women Voter Convention badges rsz.jpg
Convention badges for the National League of Women Voters Annual conventions. Fifth Annual Convention, April 24 - 29, 1924, Buffalo, NY Eighth Annual Convention, April 23 - 28 1928, Chicago, IL

M 9 B 55 Send Your Dimes rsz.jpg
Printed fundraising solicitation on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the National League of Women Voters at their convention, April 28 to May 3, 1930.Transcription:"The National League of Women Voters in ConventionApril 28 to May 3, 1930Will…

M 9 Box 103 Natl Kgarten Assoc pamphlet_overflow rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting state legislation to include kindergartens for children aged four to six years in public schools."LOOK FOR YOUR STATE IN THE FOLLLOWING LIST...If there IS legislative activity in your state, write to the National Kindergarten…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Hiking the Health Road_National Health Circle for Colored People p1 rsz2.jpg
Informational pamphlet about the National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc. The National Health Circle for Colored People developed out of the Circle for Negro Relief, an organization that helped meet the needs for black soldiers and their…

M 9 Box 103 No More War_Natl Council Reduction Armaments 1922 rsz.jpg
Broadside published by the National Council for Reduction of Armaments, Washington, D.C.
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