Browse Items (60 total)

M 9 Box 98 AALL Standard Recommendations for the Relief and Prevention of Unemployment rsz.jpg
Cover cartoon by Rollin Kirby, from The New York World  Back page cartoon by Gordon Grant from Better Times.

M 9 Box 98 Labor Laws in War Time_AALL Special Bulletin_p1 rsz.jpg
Publication discussing the importance of protections for the civilian labor force during wartime. Discusses efficiencey Includes concerns for safety, sanitation, hours, wages, child labor, woman's work, social insurance, labor market and…

VCU_M391 b6_American Student Union pamphlet rsz.jpg
Pamphlet published by the American Student Union, a national left-wing organization of college students active in the 1930s. The group consisted of both communists and socialists, who argued over the group's stance on pacificism in the face of…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n6 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n8 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

M 86 Box 1 Committee on Women in Industry034 rsz.jpg
A report from the Committee on Women in Industry of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense.These standards include recommendations on tenement house work, child labor, protection of mothers, wages, hours, seats, extra heavy and…

M 86 Box 1 Wages of Saleswomen p1 rsz.jpg
This pamphlet by the Consumers' League is an analysis of the 1907-1910 Bureau of Labor report on the condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. Specifically, this pamphlet looks into the 391 girls who worked in New York City's…

M 86 Box 1 Do You Know Where Your Clothes Are Washed cover038 rsz.jpg
Do You Know Where Your Clothes Are Washed? A Bulletin on Laundry Conditions in New York City. Issued by The Consumers' League of the City of New York. This bulletin addresses the physical conditions, hours, and wages of laundries in New York…

M 86 Box 1 Industrial Evils p1 rsz.jpg
Title printed across interior pages, "A Resume of the Work of the Consumers' League of the City of New York from January 1, 1914 to October 1, 1914"A pamphlet detailing the work and investigatory and legislative impact of the Consumers' League of the…

M 9 Box 48 George Creel What Have Women Done with the vote p1 rsz.jpg
This article written by George Creel originally appeared in the March 1914 issue of Century Magazine and was reprinted in pamphlet form by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Creel's article provides an analysis of the consequences of…

VCU_M9 B56 Virginia Suffrage News V1_No3 Dec 1 1914 p1 rsz.jpg
A publication of the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. The ESL formed in November 1909 in Richmond, Va. Lila Meade Valentine served as the first president. Adele Goodman Clark, Nora Houston, Ellen Glasgow, Mary Johnston, Kate Waller Barrett, and…

VCU_HD 6058_H37 1927 Occupations for Women Hatcher title page rsz.jpg
Orie Latham Hatcher, Ph.D. was head of the Bureau of Vocations in Virginia, a group founded in 1915. Dr. Hatcher and the work of the Bureau of Vocations was described in The Virginia Teacher(vol. 2, no. 5, p. 128):"She is the head of a unique…

Baylor Univ Libraries_AFL song.jpg
Illustrated title page in blue, white and black with the seal of the American Federation of Labor and 4 small scenes of a printer, machinist, construction worker and miner. At top of page: "Dedicated to Mr. Samuel Gompers." Seal at center shows the…

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UPSEM_NCLC_Child Labor in Virginia No 171_cover 068 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet by Alexander Jeffrey McKelway, Secretary for the Southern States, National Child Labor Committee. With photographs by Lewis W. Hine, staff photographer for the NCLC. Lewis Hine made a photographic investigation of child labor in Virginia in…

M 9 Box 101_Child Labor Comm They Are Advancing p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet advocating for the Child Labor Amendment, passed in 1924, but never ratified.

M 86 Box 1 Pan American COnference of Women MD p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet describing the events of the Third Annual Convention of the National League of Women Voters and to the Pan-American Conference of Women held at Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore, Maryland, from April 24th to 29th, 1922. This convention discussed…

M 86 Box 1 Womens Work and War p1 rsz.jpg
Women's Work and War: A Bulletin of Facts Concerning the Employment of Women to Meet the Deficit of Man Power in Our National Industrial Emergency. Published by the National Women's Trade Union League. p.1 "The working women are eager to help win the…

VCU_M 9 Box 104 Eight and one half million women workers_NWTUL rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting the work of the National Women's Trade Union League of America. The NWTULA advocates for better working conditions, hours, and wages for women and girls.Cover illustration of a young female factory worker. Her apron and the smoke…

M 86 Box 1 Eight Hour Day for Women042 rsz.jpg
The Eight-Hour Day for Women. Pamphlet by the National Women's Trade Union League petitioning for an eight-hour bill to be passed. "National Women's Trade Union League: The Eight-Hour Day. A Living Wage. To Guard the Home."

M9 Box 229 Womans Journal and Suffrage News Oct 23 1915_Fredrikke S Palmer cartoon rsz.jpg
Political cartoon against the rejection of a bill to limit the number of hours per week women were legally permitted to work in canneries in the state of New York. Cartoon by Fredrikke S. Palmer shows Greed who has tied a heavy burden to a fallen…

VCU_M 9 Box 37 Girls Home 502 W Clay Street p1 rsz.jpg
This informational brochure describes "interesting facts about the object, origin and progress" of a working-girls' home for self-supporting African American women in Richmond, Va. The project, described as a technical training school, was…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v3 n4 Happy Childhood Days p239 rsz.jpg
Two editorial cartoons dealing with child labor republished in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4 (April 1913), p. 239.  At top: A cartoon by F. T. Richards, originally published in the Philadelphia North American. Wearing a top hat with ribbons and…

VCU_M 23 Box 3 Seibel Working Woman Cartoon no 1503 date 1922 crop rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon created by Fred O. Seibel in 1922, and published in The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 1503.Image Description: A smiling woman sits at her office  typewriter, grateful that she is not doing manual labor on the…

VCU M 23 Box 3 Cartoon no 843 The Tertium rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Fred O. Seibel for The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 843.Image Description: Capital, Labor, and The Public sit at a table as Uncle Sam raises his eyebrows and appears worried. Labor is big and brawny. Capital…

Baylor Univ Libraries_The Equity Star.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano.Illustrated title page printed in red/black/white with a drawing of the emblem of the Actors' Equity Association; "As staged by Hassard Short at the Equity annual ball, Hotel Astor, November 19th 1921."Complete…
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