Browse Items (514 total)

Valentine_Cholera Parade float 1929_I_V_45_15_1024 rsz.jpg
This parade float from Richmond’s Adventure Days (1929) served as a public health reminder of cholera, noting “Richmonders Died at the Average Age of 24 in 1872.”

Valentine Influenza Virus Vaccine_WHClark_I_V_85_37_2477 rsz.jpg
After the influenza virus was finally identified in 1933, researchers immediately started to develop a vaccine. The first flu vaccine was approved for U.S. military use in 1945 and for civilian use in 1946. Unfortunately, the flu has several types,…

VCU_Blackhawk No 184 May 1963 NSWA psa rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…

VCU_Blackhawk No 222 July 1966 NSWA psa rsz.jpg
"Natural Beauty -- Everybody's Fight" illustrates quotations and paraphrases from President Lyndon B. Johnson's "Remarks to the Delegates to the White House Conference on Natural Beauty," given on May 25, 1965.Public service comic published as a part…

VCU_TML_Emswiller_Whiskey_prescription Nov 28 1924 alt rsz.jpg
Prescription for whiskey to be taken in milk 3 times daily. Filled at Purcell & Littlejohn pharmacy, Leesburg, Va.During Prohibition, the U.S. Treasury Department issued forms that authorized physicians to write prescriptions for medicinal…

VCU_Our Army at War Feb 1967 no 176 NSWA psa Peace on Earth rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…

VCU_M391 b6_American Student Union pamphlet rsz.jpg
Pamphlet published by the American Student Union, a national left-wing organization of college students active in the 1930s. The group consisted of both communists and socialists, who argued over the group's stance on pacificism in the face of…

VCU_M391b6_Work Camp for Democracy trifold cover rsz.jpg
Trifold brochure advertising the Work Camp for Democracy, August 7 to September 4, 1939, West Park, New York. The Executive Committee was chaired by Algernon D. Black who, with Alice K. Politzer, would found the Encampment for Citizenship in…

VCU_HV 43_L4 1905 Lathrop_Suggestions for Visitors cover rsz.jpg
Cover title: Suggestions for Institution Visitors.A small volume that offers guidelines or suggestions for those undertake the investigaton of county poorhouses, public hospitals, asylums for the insane, children's homes, and industrial schools…

VCU_M 342 Box 14 Rockwell Report _May 1965 cover rsz.jpg
Official monthly publication of the American Nazi Party, an organization founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in March 1959.Cover title for this issue, "The Real Story: Left vs. Right." Slogan on cover: "White People! Unite & Fight!" Article by…

VCU_M342 Box 13_Rockwell for Gov booklet cover rsz.jpg
Multi-page flyer outlining the reasons why white Democrats and Republicans of the Commonwealth of Virginia should unite and vote for White Constitutional Candidate, George Lincoln Rockwell. Rockwell, the founder and head of the American Nazi Party,…

VCU_Story of inflation Fed Reserve Bank of NY cover rsz.jpg
Educational comic book published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Public Information Department.

PN 6728_P636P6_1969 Power is Green rsz.jpg
Educational comic book in the form of a dialogue between a successful black man in a suit who is taking a vacation with his wife in their convertable. He encourages young men of color hanging around a diner to get free job training and advice so as…

VCU_How Stalin Hopes We Will Destroy America crop rsz.jpg
Giveaway comic book about the dangers of inflation. Text argues that Communists want America to spend itself into destruction by printing more money. Advocates for the U.S. Government to operate on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. Encourages citizens to…

Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story 1958 crop rsz.jpg
Educational comic book published by the Fellowship of Reconciliationfollowing the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The comic book advocates for the principles of nonviolence and teaches methods of nonviolent resistance. It was produced by the…

Beth Ahabah Museum_Mammy Yokum and the Great Dogpatch Mystery cover rsz.jpg
This comic book reprints a fable about prejudice and racial harmony by Al Capp. The story first appeared in Capp's L'il Abner comic strip. The comic book, printed and distributed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, tells a fable about…

Valentine_Anti suffrage postcard I_V_76_195_14 mice rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage postcard. The front has gold lettering, with a different color for each capital letter, green, purple, red, blue, orange. Silhouettes of three mice appear at the top of the card. Text:"As soon as I find a / Woman / Suffragist, / Who is…

Valentine_Ku Klux Klan Gathering_Henrico I_V_2017_83_159 rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph showing a Ku Klux Klan rally held near Darbytown Road in eastern Henrico County, Va. The rally, sponsored by the United Klans of America - Realm of Virginia, was held on July 4, 1967. The photograph shows a line of white…

Valentine_UKA member Richmond July 1967 I_V_2017_83_164 rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph showing a man wearing a military-style Ku Klux Klan outfit with Klan symbol on sleeve. The man was participating in a parade on Broad Street in Richmond, Va., in support of the Klan and possibly to drum up attendance at an…

Valentine_KKK Calling card I_V_90_220_02 rsz2.jpg
Calling card of the Ku Klux Klan. Text reads, "Invisible Empire / Knights of the Ku Klux Klan / YOU HAVE BEEN PATRONIZED BY THE KKK / For Free Information Write / P. O. Box 700 Shelton, CT 06484"Also printed on the card is a black and white cross…

Help save Freedom anti busing car P_74_11_18n_rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph of a man and a woman in a car during an anti-busing motorcade to Washington, D.C. The car is driving past the U.S. Supreme Court building and has a poster taped to the driver's side door of the car. The poster is of "The…

Valentine_Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties  brochure I_V_2011_02_01_ p1 rsz.jpg
Publication of The Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties,a grassroots political organization dedicated to preserving strict racial segregation in Virginia's public schools. The group was establishedin Petersburg in October 1954…

Anti school busing motorcade P_74_11_18m_rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph of a Richmond-based anti-busing motorcade passing through Washington, D.C. on 2nd Street behind the U.S. Supreme Court building. A policeman walks beside two cars.On February 17, 1972, nearly 3,300 cars traveled in a…

Anti busing protesters P_74_11_18o_rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph of people preparing for an anti-busing demonstration. A woman stands holding an American flag, and a man standing with her wears a hand-lettered anti-busing sign, "Forced bussing & consolidation of schools will lead to…

Valentine_Anti Suffrage postcard V_76_195_13 rsz.jpg
Drawing of an angry man wearing patched and ripped clothing. His suspenders and collar are unfastened, and he looks over his shoulder to examine a tear in his sleeve. The caption reads,"This is how it will be when the Woman's Suffrage get in power."
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