Boys standing outside the Richmond Male Orphan Society at Amelia and Meadow Streets, Richmond, Va. The Richmond Male Orphan Society began in 1846 when the director of the Female Humane Association was approached by a homeless boy begging for coins.…
The Memorial Foundation for Children’s story began in 1805, when a homeless girl supposedly presented herself at the door of Jean Moncure Wood, wife of Governor James E. Wood. Realizing that the city lacked a shelter for needy girls, Mrs. Wood worked…
In 1894, Mary Tinsley Greenhow, who as a teenager was paralyzed during a horse riding accident, founded the Virginia Home for Incurables. Disabled Richmonders needing life-long care lived at the home near Capitol Square. In 1898, the home moved to W.…
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) newsletter published weeks after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The newsletter reports on the March and also reports on the upcoming 7th Annual conference to take place at Virginia Union…
Lucy Goode Brooks (1818–1900) and members of the Ladies Sewing Circle for Charitable Work established the Friends Asylum for Colored Orphans in 1871. These formerly enslaved women enlisted the support of the Cedar Creek Meeting Society of Friends…
Wearing white robes and hoods, members of the Ku Klux Klan, a right-wing extremist organization, parade on Grace Street in Richmond circa 1925. This photograph was taken at the intersection of Grace and Fifth streets, just a few blocks from the…
Black and white photograph showing a woman wearing a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood and a man wearing a military-style Klan outfit; the pair wave while riding in back of a vehicle in downtown Richmond, Va. Taken during a parade on Broad Street in support…
Black and white photograph of a Richmond-based anti-busing motorcade passing through Washington, D.C. on 2nd Street behind the U.S. Supreme Court building. A policeman walks beside two cars.On February 17, 1972, nearly 3,300 cars traveled in a…
Black and white photograph showing a man wearing a military-style Ku Klux Klan outfit with Klan symbol on sleeve. The man was participating in a parade on Broad Street in Richmond, Va., in support of the Klan and possibly to drum up attendance at an…
Black and white photograph showing a Ku Klux Klan rally held near Darbytown Road in eastern Henrico County, Va. The rally, sponsored by the United Klans of America - Realm of Virginia, was held on July 4, 1967. The photograph shows a line of white…
After the influenza virus was finally identified in 1933, researchers immediately started to develop a vaccine. The first flu vaccine was approved for U.S. military use in 1945 and for civilian use in 1946. Unfortunately, the flu has several types,…
This parade float from Richmond’s Adventure Days (1929) served as a public health reminder of cholera, noting “Richmonders Died at the Average Age of 24 in 1872.”
In 1981, Dr. Michael Gottlieb of UCLA identified a new disease that, among its many signs, severely weakened the immune system. Named acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), this disease was initially seen among gay men in large cities. Human…
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
This 1866 broadside, issued by members of the African American community in Richmond, intended to clarify their plans to celebrate not the fall of the Confederacy, but rather the first anniversary of emancipation. When Richmond fell into the hands of…
This broadside was issued by the Equal Suffrage League in about 1916. Southern suffragists were forced to respond to anti-suffrage groups who argued that if African American women gained the right to vote, white supremacy would be threatened.…
This broadside advertises a support rally for gay and lesbian civil rights that was held October 8, 1977. Activists organized the rally in Monroe Park to protest a concert given at the University of Richmond by Anita Bryant, the popular entertainer…
Reprint of an editorial from the Richmond Evening Journal, May 4, 1915. "Virginia Warns Her People Against Suffrage ---- Twenty-nine counties would go under Negro Rule Over sixty counties in the State of Georgia The entire State of Mississippi -----…
In 1944, military leaders struggled to maintain troop levels as casualties mounted in World War II. The Navy Women’s Reserve Act, signed into law in 1942, authorized women to become part of the group called Women Accepted for Volunteer…
This handbill was produced during Crusade for Voters campaign in 1976.The Crusade for Voters in Richmond, Virginia was started by John Mitchell Brooks, Dr. William S. Thornton, Dr. William Ferguson Reid, Ethel T. Overby and Lola…
Letter of encouragement from John M. Brooks, NAACP Registration Director following a meeting he attended in Mississippi. Text -- Dear Friend: My meeting with you in Mississippi was an inspiration to me. It proved my belief that, "if people are given…
Richmond Crusade for Voters flyer. A hand brings down a heavy hammer that says VOTE, and breaks a chain. Text: you've got it...USE IT! Votes mean FREEDOM. Register and voteVotes mean EQUALITY. Register and voteVotes mean first-class citizenship.…
Broadside advertising A Pilgrimage of Prayer for Public Schools, January 1, 1959 in Richmond, Va. At this event, organizers played a seven-minute pre-recorded message from Dr. King. A description of the event by Wyatt Tee Walker as reported to Dr.…
Letter to the Honorable Eleanor P. Sheppard, Mayor of Richmond, Virginia from President Lyndon Baines Johnson. February 10, 1964. This letter accompanied the President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation "Report on Registration and…