Broadside advertising A Pilgrimage of Prayer for Public Schools, January 1, 1959 in Richmond, Va. At this event, organizers played a seven-minute pre-recorded message from Dr. King. A description of the event by Wyatt Tee Walker as reported to Dr.…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY.The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
Reb-Time Records No. 1862 by Oldways Pub. Co. This 45 RPM record contains music by "The Coon Hunters." One side is titled, "We Don't Want Niggers (In Our Schools)" and the other is "Nigger, Nigger."
Publication of the National Socialist White Peoples Party, formerly the American Nazi Party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell. Matt Koehl succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as commander of the NSWPP after Rockwell was shot by John Patler.The cover of…
Protestor outside Safeway, Farmville Shopping Center, August 1963.Demonstrators carry signs opposing racial segregation, and encouraging shoppers to boycott businesses that support discriminatory practices.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now Project
Demonstration in front of Prince Edward County Courthouse, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963, protesting the four-year long closure of the public schools Clara Gibson is closest to camera. Third person in line is Sandra "Sandy" Stokes. Second…
Protesters at Grants, Farmville Shopping Center, August 1963. Studentscarry signs opposing racial segregation, and encouraging shoppers to boycott businesses that support discriminatory practices.Darwyn White carries the "Mr. Grocer.." sign.…
Protesters near Southside Sundry and Southside Business Machines, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963.Irene Williams carries "Don't Buy Segregation." Kenneth Johnson stands at left in dark pants.Protesters carry signs opposing racial segregation,…
Protesters at Safeway, Farmville, Va., August 1963Protesters carry signs opposing racial segregation, and encouraging shoppers to boycott businesses that support discriminatory practices.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now Project
Protesters in front of Prince Edward County Courthouse, Main St., Farmville, Va., July 1963.The Rev. Goodwin Douglas, pastor of Beulah AME, with "Father forgive them..." sign.Fourth person in line behind the Rev. Douglas is Clara Gibson. Visible…
Protesters and shoppers outside Southside Sundry, Farmville, Va., July 1963.The Rev. James "Jimmy" Franklin of Sharon Baptist Church in Cumberland carries "America is our Jail..." sign. Catherine Scott is at right.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now…
Students protest Prince Edward County public school closings, Main Street near courthouse, Farmville, Va., July 1963.Sandra "Sandy" Stokes in foreground. Second person in line is Everett Berryman, Jr. followed by Emerson Hunt.from VCU Libraries…
Protesters in front of J.J. Newberry, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963. John Hicks carries sign in foreground; Isaac Dungee stands behind him.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now Project
This broadside asserts “there is a basic, inherent mental difference between the races,” citing IQ tests and a booklet by Henry E. Garrett, How Classroom Desegregation Will Work (1966). Henry Garrett was at the forefront of a resurgence of racial…
Black and white photograph of a man and a woman in a car during an anti-busing motorcade to Washington, D.C. The car is driving past the U.S. Supreme Court building and has a poster taped to the driver's side door of the car. The poster is of "The…
Black and white photograph of a Richmond-based anti-busing motorcade passing through Washington, D.C. on 2nd Street behind the U.S. Supreme Court building. A policeman walks beside two cars.On February 17, 1972, nearly 3,300 cars traveled in a…
Black and white photograph of people preparing for an anti-busing demonstration. A woman stands holding an American flag, and a man standing with her wears a hand-lettered anti-busing sign, "Forced bussing & consolidation of schools will lead to…
Bond, issued in 1917 in return for a donationof $1.00 toward the construction of Piedmont Sanatorium. The Piedmont Sanatorium was established in Burkeville, Virginia, in June, 1918. At that time, tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death…