Oversized postcard illustrated by May Wilson Preston, 1911 (signed). Image Description: Editorial cartoon captioned, "LINKED TOGETHER BY THE LAW" shows a convict, a woman, a child, and an intellectually disabled man standing in a row, shackled…
Postcard with poem promoting Woman Suffrage. Text reads: Bread and Roses, by James OppenheimAs we come marching, marching, we bring the Greater Days --The rising of the Women means the rising of the race --No more the drudge and idler -- Ten that…
Letter from President Coolidge to Kate Waller Barrett regarding the Florence Crittenton Mission which managed homes for unwed mothers and prostitutes.Transcription: The White HouseWashington October 23, 1924.My dear Mrs. Barrett:It is not easy to…
Postcard encouraging clergy to use their influence to promote the cause of woman suffrage. Message credited to Henry Bailey Stevens, a writer for the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Boston, MA.Transcription: "If You Are a MinisterWhen you look…
Printed fundraising solicitation on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the National League of Women Voters at their convention, April 28 to May 3, 1930.Transcription:"The National League of Women Voters in ConventionApril 28 to May 3, 1930Will…
Musical score.Published in 1915, this suffrage rallying song was composed by Marie and Edward Zimmerman of Philadelphia. The Liberty Bell on the cover reminded women to “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof” as…
[Image Description: A soldier wearing a sash that reads "democracy" points a bayonet at the end of a rifle at a woman wrapped in a red hooded cloak.]Below the image is text that reads:"Halt Who Goes There?" "National Suffrage" "Pass, friend" Cover…
Essay, published in pamphlet form, which sets forth the religious and social foundations of the woman suffrage movement. The essay begins:Page 1: "There is in the suffrage movement a religious element, a deep strain of spirituality and altruism,…
Pamphlet describing the work of the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood. Cover art by Corporal Percy Lee.[Image description: The image on the pamphlet above the text is a drawing of a mother on her deathbed sourounded by her four…
[Image Description: The cover of Woman Citizen shows a drawing of a woman wearing a white neoclassical dress with the word "suffrage" written across her chest. On either side of here are men dressed in coattails stand on either side of her. The man…
"They Shall Not Pass" cover cartoon by C. D. Batchelor "They Work Together: Why Not Vote Together" from photo spread pp. 28-29, entitled "Light Work for Ladies."
"Help! I Can't Keep it Down" cover cartoon by Charles H. Winner Article , "Noted Virginian for the F. S. A." reports on Colonel H. W. Anderson writing to the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia in support of ratification of the Federal Suffrage…
"For Justice And Mercy Women's Over Sea Hospital Unit Sails For France" Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Two-page spread "Women's Oversea Hospitals, U.S.A"Back cover advertisement for The Woman Citizen: "Suffragists are the Giants Among Women"
"Women Bring All Voters Into the World. Let Women Vote"Cover illustration by James Montgomery Flagg.Advertisements for Jell-O, a suffrage radiator cap for your car, and for The Woman Citizen -- "For Women, By Women, Read By Women Who Think""Women are…
"Handing on the Work" cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Advertisement for Rhoads clothing suitable for "The Woman of Today." "The Dress of the Hour on Exhibitition at the Convention Hall. A Marked Innovation -- The Dress of the Hour Representing…
Convention badges for the National League of Women Voters Annual conventions. Fifth Annual Convention, April 24 - 29, 1924, Buffalo, NY Eighth Annual Convention, April 23 - 28 1928, Chicago, IL
Suffrage postcard No. 124. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America UTAH 1896 The Third State to Enter The Union of States…
Suffrage postcard No. 123. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America WYOMING 1890 The First State to Enter The Union of…
Suffrage postcard No. 126. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America WYOMING 1890COLORADO 1893UTAH 1896IDAHO 1896 A star will…
WOMAN'S HOURNot for herself! Though Sweet the air of freedom;Not for herself! Though dear the newborn power;But for the Child who needs a nobler Mother,For the Whole People needing One another,Comes Woman to her Hour.Design by Corneille Clarke, Words…
An anti-suffrage handbill which attempted to sway men's opinions by making them fearful. This one asks the reader to recall the American Civil War, which had taken place during their parents' lifetime.Text: "BEWARE! MEN OF THE SOUTH: Heed not the…
Anti-suffrage handbill from the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage."Every Socialist leader admits that the extension of the franchise to women is ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF SOCIALISM....The New York State Men's League for Woman…
An emotional appeal from H. P. Petersen against "Woman Suffrage, that Godforsaken Evil." By Woman, was Eden lost, and man cursed.If you trust her, give up all hope of heaven. She cannot love, because she is too selfish. She may have a fancy, but that…
National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) pamphlet on how woman suffrage improves children's health. Cover editorial cartoon by Rose O'Neill. Originally published in The Woman Voter, May 1916.Text excerpts: "300,000 babies die every year in the…