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VCU_Cartoons Magazine v16 n1 1919 Phifer cartoon p159 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by L. C. Phifer. Image Description: Two businessmen stand behind a door marked "Private." One of them fills a shot glass with alcohol stored in his fountain pen. Caption: WHEN THE COUNTRY IS BONE DRY. "Have another little nip, old…

VCU_Cartoons Magazine v16 n1 1919 D R Fitzpatrick p104 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winner Daniel R. Fitzpatrick of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Image Description: A man who appears to be Japanese, labelled "Racial Equality" sits patiently. A shuttered window behind him is marked "Peace…

VCU_Cartoons Magazine v16 n1 1919 Harding_Peace rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Nelson Harding. Peace, shown as an angel with a tiarra, slams her fist on a table, scattering papers, ink well and pens. She glares angrily.

VCU_Interracial News Service v9 n4 June 1938 p1 rsz.jpg
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY.The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…

VCU_M71 Women in the Home NY State Woman Suffrage handbill rsz.jpg
Handbill published by the New York State Woman Suffrage Association.Excerpts:"WOMEN IN THE HOMEWe are forever being told that the place for women is in the HOME. Well, so be it. But what do we expect of her in the home? Merely to stay in the home is…

VCU_M71 Your Vote NY State Woman Suffrage Party handbill rsz.jpg
New York State Woman Suffrage Party handbill that seeks to persuade men to vote for woman suffrage in November 1917.Text:"Your VoteWas handed to you when you became twenty-one years old.You didn't have to ask for it.You didn't have to prove that you…

VCU_M71 Dont forget to Vote for Woman Suffrage First rsz.jpg
Suffrage handbill published by the New York State Woman Suffrage Party. Printed by the National Woman Suffrage Publishing Co.Text:Don't Forget to Vote For WOMAN SUFFRAGE FirstYour President asks you to vote for it.Your Governor is for it.Your party…

VCU_M71 Think it Over postcard rsz.jpg
Suffrage postcard "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association." No. 107, Published by the Cargille Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan (text from reverse).An seal on the face of the postcard shows a shield with a black spot…

VCU_M9 B56 Virginia Suffrage News Oct 1 1914 p1 rsz.jpg
First issue of the Virginia Suffrage News, a monthly newspaper published by the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. From masthead p. 4Alice Overbey Taylor, Managing EditorMr.s G. Harvey Clarke (Mary Pollard Clarke), Editor-in-Chief Contributing…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v5 n2 Feb 1914 A_J_Van Leshout Tuberculosis is preventable p126 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by A. J. Van Leshout "The Sacrifice." Originally published in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 5, no. 2 (February 1914), p.126. Image Description: Under the full moon, a large group of…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v5 n2 Feb 1914 Edgar F Schilder White Plague p127 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Edgar F. Schilder. A hooded figure of Death, carrying a scythe and labelled "The White Plague" flies over a graveyard. In the distance a sun marked "Red Cross" rises. Originally published in the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette.…

VCU_Cartoons Mag_NC 1300_C37 v3 n2 Feb 1913 p103 Giving Him a Chance rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Boardman Robinson. Originally published in the New York Tribune. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine vol. 3, no. 2 (February 1913), p. 103. A man with a bowler hat, cane, and cigar looks down at a small barefoot boy standing…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v3 n4 Happy Childhood Days p239 rsz.jpg
Two editorial cartoons dealing with child labor republished in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4 (April 1913), p. 239.  At top: A cartoon by F. T. Richards, originally published in the Philadelphia North American. Wearing a top hat with ribbons and…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v2 n6 DEC 1912 Walker O_Loughlin Will this letter be answered rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Walker O'Loughlin originally published in the Portland Telegram. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 2, no. 6 (December 1912), p. 9. A girl in ragged clothing holds up a small boy so he can drop a letter into a U.S. Mail…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v4 n3 Oscar Cesare cartoon 1913 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Oscar Cesare originally published in the New York Sun. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 4, no. 3 (September 1913), p. 271. A poor mother kneels beside her sleeping child. She dreams of the "Mother's Home at Sea…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n1 Jan 1913 p15 Cesare on Gov Blease crop2 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Oscar Cesare originally published in the New York Sun. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1913), p. 15. Coleman Livingston Blease was governor of South Carolina from 1911 - 1915. He was notorious for…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n1 Jan 1913 p14 Starrett rsz2.jpg
Editorial cartoon by William Kemp Starrett originally published in The Knickerbocker Press. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1913), p. 14. Coleman Livingston Blease was governor of South Carolina from 1911 - 1915. He was…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n4 Apr 1913 p226 Macauley rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by C. R. Macauley, originally published in the New York World. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4 (April 1913), p. 226. A skeletal spectre waits outside an office with a plaque labelled "Dr. Friedman."Friedrich…

VCU_M9 B49 NAWSA Handbills Rose ONeill Dont You Want to Reduce the High Cost of Living p1 rsz.jpg
Publication of the National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc. 171 Madison Avenue, New York City.  Cover illustration by Rose O'Neill. This pamphlet tells women that, without the vote, all they can do is manage their own households. With the…

VCU_M9 B49 NAWSA Handbills Do It Now crop rsz.jpg
Handbill in support of the Federal Suffrage Amendment. Congress proposed the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.  Text excerpts:DO IT NOW! Give the vote to the women of every state in the Union by…

Simmons_BNBB_cover rsz.jpg
This pamphlet provides a brief history of the Boston Nursery for Blind Babies. The pamphlet is accompanied with photographs displaying the nursery with a few photos of the blind children it cared for, while providing information about those who…

Brandeis_TrueAmericanism_01 cover rsz.jpg
Pamphlet of speech delivered by Louis Brandeis at Fanueil Hall, Boston on July 5, 1915 in which he addresses the ideals and traditions he views as distinctly "American," such as liberty, democracy, social justice and a standard of living that…

Brandeis_Care for Her Through the YWCA_ww1.15 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Adolph Treidler to publicize the YWCA's participation in the United War Work Campaign, November 11 - 18, 1918.The United War Work Campaign was a a one-week fundraising effort during World War I. Seven voluntary…

Brandeis_Save Food and Defeat Frightfulness_ww1.51 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Herbert Paus for the United States Food Administration.A nurse, a mother with her infant, a wounded soldier and other sick and needy people are shown tied to an Iron Cross.They point to a quotation from John Greenleaf…

Brandeis_Help Stop This Buy WSS_ww1.30 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Adolph Treidler for the National War Savings Committee to encourage Americans to purchase of War Savings Stamps.A German soldier carriying a bloody knife and rifle walks over a bleeding person. The ruins of a church are…
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