Browse Items (514 total)

VCU_M 9 Box 81 fInterracial Commission Ora Brown Stokes fundraising NFCWC rsz.jpg
Letterhead: Commission on Inter-Racial Co-operation, Atlanta, Ga.210 W. Leigh St.Richmond Va. June 1st 1922Dear Miss Clark:The National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs will meet in this city during the first week in August and I am asked to…

VCU_M 9 B 55 Linked together by the Law suffrage postcard rsz.jpg
Oversized postcard illustrated by May Wilson Preston, 1911 (signed). Image Description: Editorial cartoon captioned, "LINKED TOGETHER BY THE LAW" shows a convict, a woman, a child, and an intellectually disabled man standing in a row, shackled…

M9 B49 NAWSA Handbills and flyers_Liquor vs suffrage p1 crop.jpg
Brief article from The Woman's Journal republished as a single page leaflet by the Massachusetts Woman's Suffrage Association and The Woman's Journal.The article presents evidence of an anti-suffrage campaign by liquor dealers who fear that woman…

U Minnesota_CLSA Reports No2 May 15 1962 p1 rsz.jpg
This information bulletin is a publication of the Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress. The four-page document, written by CLSA director Leo Pfeffer, discusses the topic of literacy tests and voter registration,…

Simmons_UMHLW_Little Wanderers Advocate cover rsz.jpg
The first 16 pages of this item describe the origin, mission statement, constitution, and founding board members of the Union Mission and Home for Little Wanderers.Union Mission & Home for Little Wanderers formed by ten Boston businessmen to care…

Tulane Univ_Lorena Weeks with typewriter.jpg
Lorena Weeks had worked as a Southern Bell telephone operator for many years when she was denied a higher paying position as a company switchman on the basis that the job was only open to men, citing a Georgia state rule that women employees could…

Tulane Univ_LAGPAC poster_larc crop rsz.jpg
Poster published by the Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus (LAGPAC) announcing extended voter registration hours.The Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus (LAGPAC) was created on August 8th, 1980, by a group of activists…

M9 Box 49 Madam Who Keeps Your House rsz.jpg
Illustrated NWSA handbill urging women to become involved in politics. "Madam, if you want your house well kept, you MUST meddle with politics, because politics has already meddled with you. Be an efficient, modern housekeeper and demand VOTES FOR…

Beth Ahabah Museum_Mammy Yokum and the Great Dogpatch Mystery cover rsz.jpg
This comic book reprints a fable about prejudice and racial harmony by Al Capp. The story first appeared in Capp's L'il Abner comic strip. The comic book, printed and distributed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, tells a fable about…

Union PSem_Flyer March on Washington005 rsz.jpg
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place on 28 August 1963. An estimated 250,000 people attended the massive, peaceful rally, while many more watched the dramatic events live on television.This flyer reads:"An Appeal to You fromMathew…

Union PSem_March on Washington Tri-fold flyer outside_MarchWash006 rsz.jpg
Tri-fold flyer encouraging all Americans to join the March on Washington which would take place on Wednesday, August 28, 1963.Text on front page:"The time is NOW for all Americans Black and White to join the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.…

American Labor Mus_Marching through snow and sleet rsz.jpg
Strikers march through snow during the Passaic Textile Strike, 1926. One woman blows a horn. Two signs are partially visible:"A Mill-Worker's Sunday Socks. One Pair A Year...""Things That Cause StrikesEmpty Milk BottlesWe Want More Milk For…

Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story 1958 crop rsz.jpg
Educational comic book published by the Fellowship of Reconciliationfollowing the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The comic book advocates for the principles of nonviolence and teaches methods of nonviolent resistance. It was produced by the…

UMW_Student Strike_1970_LIBRimage1574 rsz.jpg
Sue Cottingham, editor of the campus newspaper, The Bullet, is shown center left. She wears a "Strike" badge, protesting the Vietnam War expansion into Cambodia.

M 9 Box 229 Womans Journal and Suffrage News June 5 1915_B Ames cartoon.jpg
Suffrage cartoon by "B. Ames, 1915" (Blanche Ames Ames) from the Saturday, June 5, 1915 issue of Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No.23Image Description: Man standing on a deck, holds a life preserver marked Votes for Women. He says, "When…

VCU_HE 5614_2_M44 1950 Meet Death cover rsz.jpg
1950 public safety pamphlet containing "actual scenes photographed by Cincinnati Police Department." The images of automobile accidents resulting in death, remind the reader of the serious consequences of careless driving.Text inside back…

VCU_M 9 Box 242 LWV Convention Alexandria 1923 rsz.jpg
Members of the Virginia League of Women Voters meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on February 3, 1923.Identification from back of photo Left to right: Mrs. Sarah Matthews, Norfolk Mrs. John H. Lewis (Eliz. Langer Lewis), Lynchburg Miss Adele Clark,…

Simmons_Dorothea Dix_Memorial_001 rsz.jpg
Dorothea Dix’s 1843 speech petitioning the Massachusetts Legislature for funds to improve the living condition of people with mental illnesses at Worchester Hospital. Her speech includes detailed descriptions of conditions in state and privately…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Anti Suffrage Men making world safe VAOWS rsz.jpg
Echoing Woodrow Wilson's request for a Declaration of War in 1917, this handbill argued that women should be free from political duties just as they were free from the duty of fighting in war. The Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage,…

Baylor_Poage B241 f13_ Migrant Children and Youth title page rsz.jpg
Sent to Congressman W. R. Poage (Texas) with a cover letter signed by Betty Jane Whitaker of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers.This paper was written by Florence R. Wyckoff, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Families Who Follow the Crops,…

VCU_M9 B233 Miss Margaret Foley will speak rsz.jpg
Broadside publicizes two presentations by suffragist Margaret Foley: Hampton Court House on Wednesday, April 12, 1916 and in Newport News on Thursday, April 13, 1916. "Miss Margaret Foley The Well Known Suffragist Will Speak on Votes for Women...Miss…

Anti busing protesters P_74_11_18o_rsz.jpg
Black and white photograph of people preparing for an anti-busing demonstration. A woman stands holding an American flag, and a man standing with her wears a hand-lettered anti-busing sign, "Forced bussing & consolidation of schools will lead to…

VCU_Darwyn White outside Grants_Farmville Shopping Center 8_24_1963 rsz.jpg
Protesters at Grants, Farmville Shopping Center, August 1963. Studentscarry signs opposing racial segregation, and encouraging shoppers to boycott businesses that support discriminatory practices.Darwyn White carries the "Mr. Grocer.." sign.…

VMHC_L11 N5 (p. 1) rsz.jpg
This is a publication of the anti-busing Save Our Neighborhood Schools, Inc., (SONS) organization. In the 1970 case, Bradley v. Richmond School Board, Judge Robert Merhige, Jr., ordered limited citywide busing in order to integrate Richmond,…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Hiking the Health Road_National Health Circle for Colored People p1 rsz2.jpg
Informational pamphlet about the National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc. The National Health Circle for Colored People developed out of the Circle for Negro Relief, an organization that helped meet the needs for black soldiers and their…
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