Browse Items (513 total)

American Labor Mus_Striker in gas mask rsz.jpg
A Passaic striker wears a gas mask for protection from the effects of tear gas. Police used tear gas, clubs, and firehoses to disperse crowds of strikers.

Gus Deak, future president of the United Textile Worker's Local 1603, is in the left…

AmerIcan Labor Mus_Strikers March_Passaic 1926 rsz.jpg
Strikers march down a public street during the 1926 Passaic textile strike. A group of strikers in front of the march wear World War I brodie helmets (doughboy helmets) and carry an American flag. A small boy runs along beside them.  This work…

UMW_Student Reading Campus Newspaper Image572 rsz.jpg
Liz Vantrease, Class of 1970, reads a copy of the student newspaper, The Bullet, next to a cut out of a Vietnam War soldier who wears a peace sign and a flower.Newspaper headline reads "The Word is 'Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out.'" -- a reference to the…

Union PSem_Seventeenth St Mission 004 front rsz.jpg
Students from Seventeenth Street Mission, Richmond, VACaption on front:"Taken 4/11/15 X John Little from Louisville" Card addressed to W. G. Somerville and postmarked April 16, 1915 Note on back identifies 1) Murray Grey - Superintendent (misspelled…

Students sing outside Beulah AME Church Parsonage Aug 1963 rsz.jpg
Students sing outside Beulah AME Church Parsonage, Farmville, Va., August 1963, in protest of the closing of Prince Edward County Schools. Woman singing at left is Ernestine Land. Tony Reid stands at right.

Valentine_Students washing hands before lunch_I_V_56_177_03_CaryStSchool rsz.jpg
Students from the old Cary Street School (Madison School) in Richmond, Va., demonstrate handwashing before having lunch. Washing hands regularly with soap and water remains one of the most important steps in preventing the spread of many…

VCU_M 9 Box 239 ESL of Va suffrage rally Capitol Square near the Washington Monumnent May 1 1915 rsz.jpg
These photographs document a suffrage rally held on the south portico of the Virginia Capitol on May 1, 1915. Dr. E. N. Calisch, rabbi of Congregation Beth Ahabah, spoke in favor of woman suffrage at the event. Joy Montgomery Higgins of Nebraska…

Beth Ahabah Museum_Wallerstein colllection Suffrajests rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage broadside poking fun at the woman suffrage movement. Filled with puns and inside jokes, the source and precise meaning of this publication are uncertain. Notes: The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program. The…

VCU_HV 43_L4 1905 Lathrop_Suggestions for Visitors cover rsz.jpg
Cover title: Suggestions for Institution Visitors.A small volume that offers guidelines or suggestions for those undertake the investigaton of county poorhouses, public hospitals, asylums for the insane, children's homes, and industrial schools…

VMHC_Broadside.1977.9_v1_VHS rsz.jpg
This broadside advertises a support rally for gay and lesbian civil rights that was held October 8, 1977. Activists organized the rally in Monroe Park to protest a concert given at the University of Richmond by Anita Bryant, the popular entertainer…

M9 Box 49 Teachers need the vote rsz.jpg
NWSA handbill listing the reasons why women teachers need the vote. Reasons given include: increased spending on education, improved public health and hygiene, children's well-being and child labor protections."Teachers need the vote because they…

Baylor_Poage_B241 f13_Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers letter rsz.jpg
This letter was written to Congressman W. R. Poage by Betty Jane Whitaker, Co-chairman of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers, asking him to help improve the lives of migrant workers and their children. Whitaker asks for this to be done…

American Labor Mus_Striker General Relief No 2 rsz.jpg
Textile strikers with their children in front of them stand in the doorway of a General Relief store. This was one of the strike relief centers run by International Worker's Aid.

American Labor Mus_Strikers relief store no 3 rsz.jpg
People stand in the doorway of the Textile Strikers General Relief Store No. 3. This store was run by the International Workers Aid.

American Labor Mus_Mother and children in Botto House rsz.jpg
A textile worker stands beside her three children who are seated. Various cooking implements, a wash basin and wash board are visible.

Baylor Univ Libraries_The Equity Star.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano.Illustrated title page printed in red/black/white with a drawing of the emblem of the Actors' Equity Association; "As staged by Hassard Short at the Equity annual ball, Hotel Astor, November 19th 1921."Complete…

VCU_Spider Man_Planned Parenthood comic cover rsz.jpg
Informational comic book aimed at teenagers provides basic facts about sex, reproduction and birth control, as well as suggested sources to learn more.Story: The Amazing Spider-Man discovers that the alien villain, the Prodigy, is convincing…

M 9 B 55 Awakening postcard rsz.jpg
The Awakening. She's awakened, She is answering To the Call of all MANKIND; Then annul the Laws That Bind her, And the Customs That restrict her, Deny Her Not The greater service, For the Child, The Home, The State.Copyright 1912, and Published by…

Superboy no 46 January 1956 Best Present of All rsz.jpg
Binky in "The Best Present of All!"Comic description: A young boy named Allergy laments that he wasn't able to buy nicer presents for his father and Binky because he doesn't have as much money as they do. His father tells him that because he donated…

Batman no 102 September 1956 Big Dance rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…

VCU_M296 Box 2 f Virginia The Candle 1957 cover rsz.jpg
Newsletter published by the Virginia State Conference-NAACP. The Candle's header shows two lighted candles and the motto, "It is Better to Light One Candle Than to Curse the Darkness."This issue includes reporting on the Virginia Political Action…

M 9 Box 54 Case Against the Red Light cover crop rsz .jpg
Venereal disease bulletin, no. 54. Public health pamphlet arguing that prostitution spreads venereal disease and cannot be "segregated, licensed, and made sanitary." Excerpt: "But every investigating committee that has reported on conditions in any…

VCU_Sandy Stokes Main St Farmville July 1963 rsz.jpg
Students protest Prince Edward County public school closings, Main Street near courthouse, Farmville, Va., July 1963.Sandra "Sandy" Stokes in foreground. Second person in line is Everett Berryman, Jr. followed by Emerson Hunt.from VCU Libraries…

M 9 Box 103 Closing of Occupations to Women p1 rsz.jpg
This leaflet was created by the Woman's Party to describe the important role the Woman's Party in campaigning for industrial equality as evidenced by increasing legislation restricting the industrial opportunities of women. "The effort to bar women…

M71 Dark and Dangerous Side of Woman Suffrage p1 rsz.jpg
A large format publication which gathers quotations from feminists and supporters of suffrage. These quotations manifest the "dark and dangerous side of woman suffrage" which is argued to be a desire for social revolution.Subject headings for…
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