Browse Items (513 total)

M 9 B 55 United Equal Suffrage States_Wyoming rsz.jpg
Suffrage postcard No. 123. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America WYOMING 1890 The First State to Enter The Union of…

M 9 B 55 United Equal Suffrage States_Utah rsz.jpg
Suffrage postcard No. 124. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America UTAH 1896 The Third State to Enter The Union of States…

M 9 B 55 United Equal Suffrage States_Idaho rsz.jpg
Suffrage postcard No. 127. One of a series published by The Cargill Company; "Endorsed and Approved by the National American Woman Suffrage Association" "United Equal Suffrage States of America IDAHO 1896 The Fourth State to Enter The Union of States…

M9 Box 230 National League of Women Voter Convention badges rsz.jpg
Convention badges for the National League of Women Voters Annual conventions. Fifth Annual Convention, April 24 - 29, 1924, Buffalo, NY Eighth Annual Convention, April 23 - 28 1928, Chicago, IL

Woman Citizen Feb 14 1920 cover2 rsz.jpg
"Handing on the Work" cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Advertisement for Rhoads clothing suitable for "The Woman of Today." "The Dress of the Hour on Exhibitition at the Convention Hall. A Marked Innovation -- The Dress of the Hour Representing…

Woman Citizen Oct 27 1917 rsz.jpg
"Women Bring All Voters Into the World. Let Women Vote"Cover illustration by James Montgomery Flagg.Advertisements for Jell-O, a suffrage radiator cap for your car, and for The Woman Citizen -- "For Women, By Women, Read By Women Who Think""Women are…

Woman Citizen Feb 23 1918.jpg
"For Justice And Mercy Women's Over Sea Hospital Unit Sails For France" Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Two-page spread "Women's Oversea Hospitals, U.S.A"Back cover advertisement for The Woman Citizen: "Suffragists are the Giants Among Women"

Woman Citizen Dec 20 1919 Help I cant keep it down.jpg
"Help! I Can't Keep it Down" cover cartoon by Charles H. Winner Article , "Noted Virginian for the F. S. A." reports on Colonel H. W. Anderson writing to the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia in support of ratification of the Federal Suffrage…

The Woman Citizen June 9 1917 They Shall Not Pass rsz.jpg
"They Shall Not Pass" cover cartoon by C. D. Batchelor "They Work Together: Why Not Vote Together" from photo spread pp. 28-29, entitled "Light Work for Ladies."

Woman Citizen January 5 1918 In the hands of her friends.jpg
[Image Description: The cover of Woman Citizen shows a drawing of a woman wearing a white neoclassical dress with the word "suffrage" written across her chest. On either side of here are men dressed in coattails stand on either side of her. The man…

M 9 Box 98 Citizenship Conference_Law vs Lawlessness_Cover rsz.jpg
Multi-paged booklet outlining the call, the objectives, and the supporters of the Citizenship Conference held at the Raleigh Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 13- 15, 1923.The conference was called "in recognition of the widespread propaganda for the…

M 9 Box 98 Citizenship Conference letter rsz.jpg
Letter with pamphlet and registration card advertising a Citizenship Conference at the Raleigh Hotel in Washington, D.C. to be held on October 13, 14, and 15, 1923. The conference was held for the "Consideration of Integrity of Fundamental Law with…

M 9 Box 98 Cooperative Education Assoc of Va pamphlet cover rsz.jpg
Promotional pamphlet for the work of the Cooperative Education Association of Virginia. Includes reprints of commendations from Wesmoreland Davis, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior; E.C. Lindeman,…

M 9 Box 98 Cooperative Education Assoc of Va_Constitution_and_ByLaws p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet explaining how to organize a Community League as a branch of the Cooperative Education Association of Virginia. Includes instruction and tip for conducting an initial organizational meeting, and the Associations Constitution and By-Laws.…

M 9 Box 98 Cooperative Education Assoc of Va Annual Report_1922 rsz.jpg
The Cooperative Education Association was organized in 1904 to advocate for public education reform in Virginia. In 1910 Mary-Cooke Branch Munford became president of the Cooperative Education Association. She served in this role until 1925.Motto on…

M 9 Box 103 Natl Kgarten Assoc pamphlet_overflow rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting state legislation to include kindergartens for children aged four to six years in public schools."LOOK FOR YOUR STATE IN THE FOLLLOWING LIST...If there IS legislative activity in your state, write to the National Kindergarten…

M 9 Box 103 Why should the kindergarten be a part of the public school system p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting the benefits of adding Friedrich Froebel's Kindergarten curriculum to the public school system. The pamphlet lists six major benefits of kindergarten and expands upon each of thes points with a few paragraphs. "1. The Kindergarten…

VCU_TML_Influenza placard 1919.jpg
Public health information graphic furnished by The Virginia State Board of Health. Illustrations by Carl J. Rostrup of Richmond, Va.Transcription:"SAVE YOURSELF from INFLUENZA and pneumonia, bad colds, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheriam scarlet…

M333 Box 1 Please I dont want to leave them VA Planned Parenthood.jpg
Pamphlet describing the work of the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood. Cover art by Corporal Percy Lee.[Image description: The image on the pamphlet above the text is a drawing of a mother on her deathbed sourounded by her four…

M 9 Box 103 Natl Kgarten Assoc letter_1922 rsz.jpg
Letter from Bessie Locke, Corresponding Secretary of the National Kindergarten Association, addressed "FOR YOUR RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE" and refers to an upcoming local [state?] convention. Excerpts:"RESOLVED, That the [National Kindergarten…

Adventure Comics 203 August 1954 Peter Porkchops gives tips on summer fun rsz.jpg
Peter Porkchops gives "Tips On Summer Fun!"Comic description: Peter Porkchops and his friends enjoy summer activities including going swimming at the pool, playing sports, going to the movies, and enjoying refreshing drinks. While they are having…

Adventure Comics 212 May 1955 Camping rsz.jpg
Binky gives "Tips on Camping!"Comic description: Binky gives Allergy camping tip including: how to behave out-of-doors, how to take care of a camping knife, how to build a fire, and how to dress properly. Binky says, "Knowing the proper skills and…

Adventure Comics 215 August 1955 Never underestimate a new idea rsz.jpg
Binky says: "Never Underestimate A New Idea!"Comic description: Allergy enters a soap-box derby and tells Binky that he was going to try something new and different with his car but decided against it because he was afraid that the other boys would…

Adventure Comics 218 November1955 (3).jpg
Buzzy asks "Do You Know Your Neighbors?"Comic description: Buzzy organizes a party where he and his neighbors go to four different neighboring houses. While there, they eat traditional food and learn about the cultural heritage of each of their…

Adventure Comics 219 December1955 How a Nation is Born rsz.jpg
Comic description: This comic tells the story of how the United Nations helped Indonesia gain their independence. Indonesia has a long history of being colonized by other countries. First the Portugal, then the Netherlands, and then Japan. The UN…
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