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- Tags: public health
Programme of Social Hygiene Legislation of the National League of Women Voters
Rex Morgan, M.D. Talks About Your Unborn Child!
Richmond School of Social Economy, First Annual Announcement, 1917-1918. Bulletin No. 1
Save Yourself From Influenza...[public health graphic]
Tags: influenza, public health, tuberculosis, Virginia, World War I
School Blues!
Soldier Attention: A Private Word with You
Stop Polio Sunday [handbill]
Tags: Polio, public health, vaccination
Students washing hands before lunch, old Cary Street School (Madison School).
Tags: education, hygiene, photograph, public health, public schools
Suggestions for Visitors to County Poorhouses and to Other Public Charitable Institutions
Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers. Letter to Congressman W. R. Poage from Betty Jane Whitaker
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Prodigy! [Marvel/Planned Parenthood Federation of America comic book]
The Case Against the Red Light
The Doctor Looks at Child Labor. NCLC Pamphlet No. 356
The Ray of Hope [editorial cartoon by Edgar F. Schilder]
Tags: cartoon, Cartoons Magazine, death, public health, Red Cross, tuberculosis
The Sacrifice (Tuberculosis is Preventable) [editorial cartoon by A. J. Van Leshout]
The Sheppard-Towner Bill: For the Protection of Maternity and Infancy
Tags: American Association of University Women, American Home Economics Association, children, Children's Bureau, Consumers' League, Council of Jewish Women, Daughters of the American Revolution, Department of Labor, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Girls' Friendly Society in America, infant mortality, Julia Lathrop, League of Women Voters, Legislation, Maternal Mortality, Mothers, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations, National Federation of Business and Professional Women, public health, Sheppard-Towner Bill, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, women's history, Women's Trade Union League, YWCA
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 3 [Mississippi Issue]
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 5 [Texas Issue]
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 9
Typhoid fever study, Richmond, Va. [lantern slide]
Tags: photograph, public health, research, typhoid fever
Virginia (white) Denominational Conference on Race Relations, October 28, 1930. Program and Resolution on "The Birth of a Nation."
Virginia Conference on Race Relations, The Southern Workman, January 1931
Tags: African Americans, Ben R Lacy Jr, Birth of a Nation, Commission on Interracial Cooperation, education, Gordon B Hancock, J. Hoge Ricks, John Garland Pollard, John M. Ellison, LeRoy Brown, public health, race, race relations, Richmond, Robert B. Eleazer, Robert Russa Moton, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Virginia, Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations, W. D. Gresham, W. T. Sawyer
Waiting for the Verdict [Dr. Friedman and The Great White Plague]
Tags: cartoon, Cartoons Magazine, New York, public health, safety, tuberculosis