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Woman Citizen, December 27, 1924
Issue concerned with the Child Labor Amendment.Cover illustration identified as "Etching 'Felix' by Eileen A. Soper. Copyright, A.C. & H.W. Dickens--Courtesy Robertson Deschamps Galleries."
Woman Citizen, April 17, 1920
Article concerning the third publication in the Children's Bureau series on illegitimacy, "Illegitimacy as a Child Welfare Problem" (Bur. Pub. No. 66). Lists seven minimum standards for illegitimate children's welfare as adopted by the Children's…
Woman Citizen, April 20, 1918
Cover shows a ballot box with the caption "What Every Woman Voter Should Know."Cartoons by Charles H. "Doc" Winner."Due for Another Puncture" p.409"WE can carry our share of the burden. Give US our share of the Government" p. 416Two-page spread "The…
Woman Citizen, June 5, 1920
Includes article, "New Women for Old." The article's three sections: "The Artist's Ideal" by C.D. Batchelor; "The Poet's Ideal" by Clinton Scollard; "Philosophically Speaking" by André Tridon.
Woman Citizen, October 30, 1920
Woman Citizen published just days before the first presidential election in which women could vote. Shown here: Campaign advertisement for the Democratic party ticket for the 1920 presidential election (James R. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt) "Let's…
Woman Citizen, November 6, 1920
The Woman Citizen, November 6, 1920 was published following the first presidential election in which women could vote -- November 2, 1920."ELECTION NEWS -- Interest in Common"Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor[Image Description: A man and woman…
Woman Citizen, February 14, 1920. Special Convention Number
"Handing on the Work" cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Advertisement for Rhoads clothing suitable for "The Woman of Today." "The Dress of the Hour on Exhibitition at the Convention Hall. A Marked Innovation -- The Dress of the Hour Representing…
Woman Citizen, October 27, 1917
"Women Bring All Voters Into the World. Let Women Vote"Cover illustration by James Montgomery Flagg.Advertisements for Jell-O, a suffrage radiator cap for your car, and for The Woman Citizen -- "For Women, By Women, Read By Women Who Think""Women are…
Woman Citizen, February 23, 1918
"For Justice And Mercy Women's Over Sea Hospital Unit Sails For France" Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Two-page spread "Women's Oversea Hospitals, U.S.A"Back cover advertisement for The Woman Citizen: "Suffragists are the Giants Among Women"
Woman Citizen, December 20, 1919
"Help! I Can't Keep it Down" cover cartoon by Charles H. Winner Article , "Noted Virginian for the F. S. A." reports on Colonel H. W. Anderson writing to the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia in support of ratification of the Federal Suffrage…
Woman Citizen, June 9, 1917
"They Shall Not Pass" cover cartoon by C. D. Batchelor "They Work Together: Why Not Vote Together" from photo spread pp. 28-29, entitled "Light Work for Ladies."
Woman Citizen, January 5, 1918
[Image Description: The cover of Woman Citizen shows a drawing of a woman wearing a white neoclassical dress with the word "suffrage" written across her chest. On either side of here are men dressed in coattails stand on either side of her. The man…
Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, November 30, 1912
Editorial cartoon by Ralph Wilder published Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol . 43, No. 47, November 30, 1912.A group of suffragists wearing "Votes for Women" sashes enter a room where they are greeted by women labelled "Idaho," "Washington,"…
Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, May 29, 1915
Political cartoon by Charles H. "Bill" Sykes published by Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol . 46, No.22, May 29, 1915.A dour woman named "Anti-Suffrage" sits on the steps to block several young girls from leaving a house. Outside, girls from…
Let Me Help, Uncle [editorial cartoon by Morris H. Pancoast]
Editorial cartoon by Morris H. Pancoast, "Courtesy Philadelphia North American." From the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 27, October 23, 1915.Image Description: Woman wearing a "Votes for Women" sash offters to help a weary Uncle Sam…
At the Sepulchre [editorial cartoon by Fredrikke S. Palmer]
Political cartoon against the rejection of a bill to limit the number of hours per week women were legally permitted to work in canneries in the state of New York. Cartoon by Fredrikke S. Palmer shows Greed who has tied a heavy burden to a fallen…
Headquarters News Letter, Vol. II, No. V, May 15, 1916. National American Woman Suffrage Association
Newsletter published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Editorial cartoon on cover by C. D. Batchelor is captioned, "IF YOU WOULD HAVE A FRIEND, BE ONE!" It shows a woman (suffrage) standing with her arms draped over a donkey (at…
Virginia Suffrage News, vol. 1, no. 2, November 1914
A publication of the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. The ESL formed in November 1909 in Richmond, Va. Lila Meade Valentine served as the first president. Adele Goodman Clark, Nora Houston, Ellen Glasgow, Mary Johnston, Kate Waller Barrett, and…
Equal Suffrage League Float, Thrift Day Parade, March 23, 1918
Equal Suffrage League of Virginia float depicting the Barge of State with Victory at the prow. This photograph was taken at the Thrift Day Parade held the afternoon of Saturday, March 23, 1918 in Richmond, VA. According to newspaper reports, over…
Virginia Suffrage News, vol. 1, no.3, December 1914
A publication of the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. The ESL formed in November 1909 in Richmond, Va. Lila Meade Valentine served as the first president. Adele Goodman Clark, Nora Houston, Ellen Glasgow, Mary Johnston, Kate Waller Barrett, and…
The Map Blossoms [editorial cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames]
Editorial cartoon by B. Ames (Blanche Ames Ames) from Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 21, May 22, 1915.Uncle Sam prunes a tree marked "Liberty" growing in a pot marked "Equality." The tree blossoms into a map of the United States.…
Double the Power of the Home -- Two Good Votes are Better Than One [editorial cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames]
Political cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames from Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 43, October 23, 1915. Image Description: A woman sits with her three children in a domestic scene. She is surrounded by symbols of her hard work and virtue.
Meanwhile They Drown [editorial cartoon by Blanche Ames Ames]
Suffrage cartoon by "B. Ames, 1915" (Blanche Ames Ames) from the Saturday, June 5, 1915 issue of Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No.23Image Description: Man standing on a deck, holds a life preserver marked Votes for Women. He says, "When…