Browse Items (513 total)

M 86 Box 1How our nation spends its income rsz.jpg
This leaflet created by E. B. Rosa, Chief Physicist, U.S. Bureau of Standards, was published by the Boston League of Women Voters. It is an analysis of the total appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. "Taxation for the Federal…

Baylor Univ Libraries_How are you going to wet your whistle when the whole darn world goes dry.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano Illustrated title page in blue, white and red with a drawing of a man with a drink and an empty bar by R. S Complete score available from Baylor University Libraries Digital Collections.

Adventure Comics 219 December1955 How a Nation is Born rsz.jpg
Comic description: This comic tells the story of how the United Nations helped Indonesia gain their independence. Indonesia has a long history of being colonized by other countries. First the Portugal, then the Netherlands, and then Japan. The UN…

superboy no 45 december 1955.jpg
Comic description: This comic tells the story of how the United Nations helped Indonesia gain their independence. Indonesia has a long history of being colonized by other countries. First the Portugal, then the Netherlands, and then Japan. The UN…

VCU_Detective Comics no 333 Nov 1964 Honesty is the Best Policy rsz.jpg
Public service comic published as a part of the National Social Welfare Assembly Comics Project. The Comics Project lasted from August 1949 - July 1967 and produced over 200 pages promoting citizenship and social values. Publisher's Note: "Published…

VCU_M296 Box 2 Voter Registration students 1959 rsz.jpg
Photograph of students from Luther Judson Price High School of Atlanta, Ga., prepare to register to vote. Caption attached to photograph: "18 year old high school students of Atlanta, Georgia as they embark by bus to register in the 1959 Voter…

M 9 Box 48 Here it is all you want to know about Chicago St Louis parades p1 rsz.jpg
A pamphlet by the National American Woman Suffrage Association outlining information regarding the June 7th suffrage parade in Chicago and June 14th suffrage parade in St. Louis. June 14, 1916 was the first day of the Democratic National Convention…

U Minnesota_SWHA_Kellogg Sw0084 B22 F197 Here in Massachusetts p1 rsz.jpg
Here in Massachusetts: A fund raising pamphlet issued by the Massachusetts Child Labor Committee to promote regulation of working conditions and employment for children. The pamphlet cites statistics on child labor and industrial accidents and argues…

VCU_PN 6727_P38H47 1960z_Here Comes Whiteman crop rsz.jpg
White supremacist comic book created for the American Nazi Party by member John Patler. Born John C. Patsalos, John Patler joined the American Nazi Party in 1960 and changed his name. The ANP had its headquarters in Arlington, Va. In 1967 Patler was…

Brandeis_Help Stop This Buy WSS_ww1.30 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Adolph Treidler for the National War Savings Committee to encourage Americans to purchase of War Savings Stamps.A German soldier carriying a bloody knife and rifle walks over a bleeding person. The ruins of a church are…

Batman no 98 Mar 1956 rsz.jpg
Binky in "Healthy Teeth for You and Your Pet!" Comic description: A boy named Allergy takes his dog Sport to the vet. The vet tells Allergy that he is always happy to help in an emergency. However, there are some things that Allergy can do to make…

VCU_M 9 Box 49 Headquarters News Letter May 15 1916 cover rsz.jpg
Newsletter published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Editorial cartoon on cover by C. D. Batchelor is captioned, "IF YOU WOULD HAVE A FRIEND, BE ONE!" It shows a woman (suffrage) standing with her arms draped over a donkey (at…

Headquarters News Letter p1.jpg
This headquarters newsletter was published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association in January 1917. it contains suffrage-related news and commentaries of the time.

VCU_M342 Box 13 f ANP_GLR Hatenanny records ad rsz.jpg
Single-sided, single page flyer advertising "Ship Those Niggers Back" a 45 RPM record released by the American Nazi Party. During the 1960s, George Lincoln Rockwell attempted to draw attention to the American Nazi Party (which he founded) by starting…

VCU_M 342 Box 24 Rockwell Hatenanny H-1 SideA rsz.jpg
During the 1960s, George Lincoln Rockwell attempted to draw attention to the American Nazi Party (which he founded) by starting a small record label, named Hatenanny Records. The label released several 45 RPM singles, including recordings by a group…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v3 n4 Happy Childhood Days p239 rsz.jpg
Two editorial cartoons dealing with child labor republished in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4 (April 1913), p. 239.  At top: A cartoon by F. T. Richards, originally published in the Philadelphia North American. Wearing a top hat with ribbons and…

The Luckiest Boy in the World inside.jpg
Binky says "Give Your Pet All the Breaks!" Comic Description: Binky's friend named Allergy worries that his dog, Sport does not seem to like him. They learn from their friend Jim that there is a lot involved in taking care of a dog. They take a trip…

VCU_M 9 Box 37 Girls Home 502 W Clay Street p1 rsz.jpg
This informational brochure describes "interesting facts about the object, origin and progress" of a working-girls' home for self-supporting African American women in Richmond, Va. The project, described as a technical training school, was…

Batman no 104 December 1956 Gifts to the United Nations rsz.jpg
Comic description: The comic opens with this text: "Along the East River in New York City stretches six blocks of international territory-- the headquarters of the United Nations. Here 76 member nations work together for world peace". The comic goes…

Union PSem_Amer Nazi Rally flyer outside_MarchWash048 rsz.jpg
A flyer promoting an appearance by George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, in Richmond, Virginia on July 4, 1963. The rally was to intended to motivate opposition to the March on Washington that would take place on August 28,…

Valentine_FriendsAssoc_V_45_15_243 rsz.jpg
Lucy Goode Brooks (1818–1900) and members of the Ladies Sewing Circle for Charitable Work established the Friends Asylum for Colored Orphans in 1871. These formerly enslaved women enlisted the support of the Cedar Creek Meeting Society of Friends…

OneVirginia2021 Free Our Districts bumper sticker rsz.jpg
Bumper sticker created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

Baylor Univ Libraries_For if kisses are intoxicating as they say prohibition you have lost your sting.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano Illustrated title page in blue and yellow by Dunk; photograph of Sophie Tucker and the Kings of Syncopation; "Successfully sung and introduced by Sophie Tucker and her 5 Kings of Syncopation." Complete score…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v4 n3 Oscar Cesare cartoon 1913 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Oscar Cesare originally published in the New York Sun. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 4, no. 3 (September 1913), p. 271. A poor mother kneels beside her sleeping child. She dreams of the "Mother's Home at Sea…

Simmons_NYSSV_Annual report 1874_001 rsz.jpg
The first annual report of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice includes information about the Society’s incorporation, mission, and statistics about crime in New York in 1874."This Institution was forced into existence by the enormity…
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