Browse Items (513 total)

Valentine_Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties  brochure I_V_2011_02_01_ p1 rsz.jpg
Publication of The Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties,a grassroots political organization dedicated to preserving strict racial segregation in Virginia's public schools. The group was establishedin Petersburg in October 1954…

UPSEM_Doctor Looks at Child Labor_cover 043 rsz.jpg
A symposium edited by the NCLC. A series of statements related to the long-term health effects of child labor on children and youth. "The insidious thing about child labor is that its effects manifest themselves at the most unexpected times in later…

M 86 Box 1 Eight Hour Day for Women042 rsz.jpg
The Eight-Hour Day for Women. Pamphlet by the National Women's Trade Union League petitioning for an eight-hour bill to be passed. "National Women's Trade Union League: The Eight-Hour Day. A Living Wage. To Guard the Home."

M9 Box 49 Federal Suffrage Amendment flyer rsz.jpg
Informational flyer that clarifies facts related to the Federal Suffrage Amendment (Nineteenth Amendment). "Woodrow Wilson stands for the federal suffrage amendment. The South will make no mistake in following the lead of the Democratic President of…

VCU_M391b6_Work Camp for Democracy trifold cover rsz.jpg
Trifold brochure advertising the Work Camp for Democracy, August 7 to September 4, 1939, West Park, New York. The Executive Committee was chaired by Algernon D. Black who, with Alice K. Politzer, would found the Encampment for Citizenship in…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n4 p238 Food Adulterator Ding Darling NY Globe.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling published in the New York Globe. Image Description: A wealthy businessman sits counting his money among the gravestones of children who died from the impure, tainted food that he sold.

M 86 Box 1 League of Nations p1 rsz.jpg
An informative pamphlet created by Mrs. George Bass, Chairman of the Woman's Bureau Democratic National Committee for the woman voter. This pamphlet outlines twelve informative facts about the League of Nations. "There are 81,000 reasons why the…

Simmons_History of Trade Unionism among Women in Boston_WTUL_001 crop rsz.jpg
A brief historical overview of the relationship between unionism and working women in Boston. This approach attempts to identify the causes for the wage and employment disparities of working women in comparison to working men, and therefore…

M 9 Box 48 Home Defense cover rsz.jpg
This booklet by Carrie Chapman Catt likens suffrage to patriotism. According to Catt, the United States "is engaged in two wars, one with an enemy in Europe and one with an enemy at home. Many an American family is left behind without a voter to…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n1 Jan 1913 p15 Cesare on Gov Blease crop2 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Oscar Cesare originally published in the New York Sun. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1913), p. 15. Coleman Livingston Blease was governor of South Carolina from 1911 - 1915. He was notorious for…

M9 Box 229 Womans Journal and Suffrage News May 22 1915_B Ames cartoon rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by B. Ames (Blanche Ames Ames) from Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol. 46, No. 21, May 22, 1915.Uncle Sam prunes a tree marked "Liberty" growing in a pot marked "Equality." The tree blossoms into a map of the United States.…

M9 Box 49 The Negro vote in the south NWSA flyer rsz.jpg
NWSA flyer containing an essay by Mrs. Guilford Dudley of Nashville, TN. Mrs. Dudley addresses the fear among white Southern Congressmen that if all women are given the vote through a Federal Suffrage Amendment, the increase in black voting power…

VCU_M 9 Box 100 Interracial Cooperation Commission Opinion of Those Who Ought to know cover rsz.jpg
A compilation of quotations from prominent Southern African Americans on the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Included are Robert Russa Moton, Mary McLeod Bethune, Dr. Isaac Fisher, Dr. Alfred Lawless and others.Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v5 n2 Feb 1914 Edgar F Schilder White Plague p127 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Edgar F. Schilder. A hooded figure of Death, carrying a scythe and labelled "The White Plague" flies over a graveyard. In the distance a sun marked "Red Cross" rises. Originally published in the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette.…

M 9 Box 51 Anti_Suffrage Red behind the Yellow rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage handbill from the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage."Every Socialist leader admits that the extension of the franchise to women is ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF SOCIALISM....The New York State Men's League for Woman…

VCU_M 9 Box 233 ESL broadside ca 1919 map of states and suffrage crop rsz.jpg
This broadside has a map at top that shows the extent of woman suffrage across the United States. At this time, women could vote in presidential elections in some states; in municipal elections in others; and only with regard to school bond and tax…

VCU_M 342 Box 14 Rockwell Report _May 1965 cover rsz.jpg
Official monthly publication of the American Nazi Party, an organization founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in March 1959.Cover title for this issue, "The Real Story: Left vs. Right." Slogan on cover: "White People! Unite & Fight!" Article by…

VCU_M 342 Box 14 Rockwell Report _green front cover rsz.jpg
Official monthly publication of the American Nazi Party, an organization founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in March 1959.Cover title for this issue, "The Real Nature of White Backlash." Slogan on cover: "White People! Unite &…

VCU_NC 1300_C37 v5 n2 Feb 1914 A_J_Van Leshout Tuberculosis is preventable p126 rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by A. J. Van Leshout "The Sacrifice." Originally published in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 5, no. 2 (February 1914), p.126. Image Description: Under the full moon, a large group of…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n1 1940  p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n10 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n11 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n12 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n2 1940 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
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