Browse Items (513 total)

M 9 Box 55 When They Come Home cover rsz.jpg
This pamphlet is specifically designed to educate the spouses, significant others, and family members of World War I soldiers on the topic of venereal disease. Excerpts: Page 2, paragraph 2 : "When men and girls are changing their occupations and…

Baylor Univ Libraries_Where do they go when they row row row.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano Illustrated title page: orange/white/brown/black; drawing of 2 men rowing toward a large ship / E.H. Pfeiffer Complete score available from Baylor University Libraries Digital Collections.

VCU_TML_Emswiller_Whiskey_prescription Nov 28 1924 alt rsz.jpg
Prescription for whiskey to be taken in milk 3 times daily. Filled at Purcell & Littlejohn pharmacy, Leesburg, Va.During Prohibition, the U.S. Treasury Department issued forms that authorized physicians to write prescriptions for medicinal…

Beth  Ahabah Museum_White Power Newspaper Feb 1972 rsz.jpg
Publication of the National Socialist White Peoples Party, formerly the American Nazi Party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell. Matt Koehl succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as commander of the NSWPP after Rockwell was shot by John Patler.The cover of…

VCU_Cartoon Magazine v16 1919 p 55 Prohibition William C Morris rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by William C. Morris shows the Internal Revenue Bureau arguing with Federal District Attorneys over caring for a large camel labelled "Prohibition." Uncle Sam stands in the background with his hands on his hips. Internal Revenue…

VCU_Cartoons Mag_NC 1300_C37 v3 n2 Feb 1913 p103 Giving Him a Chance rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Boardman Robinson. Originally published in the New York Tribune. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine vol. 3, no. 2 (February 1913), p. 103. A man with a bowler hat, cane, and cigar looks down at a small barefoot boy standing…

M 9 Box 103 Why should the kindergarten be a part of the public school system p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet promoting the benefits of adding Friedrich Froebel's Kindergarten curriculum to the public school system. The pamphlet lists six major benefits of kindergarten and expands upon each of thes points with a few paragraphs. "1. The Kindergarten…

VCU_M 9 B50 Just Govt League of Md 1913-1921_Why Should Wmn Vote cover rsz.jpg
Pro-suffrage pamphlet containing editorial cartoons by Lou Rogers, Phil Porter, and John T. McCutcheon, along with a map showing where women can vote.Excerpts: p.1 (cover) "WHY SHOULD WOMEN VOTE? This booklet contains all the OBJECTIONS to woman…

M 9 Box 103 Why the Briand_Kellogg Treaty_NCPW leaflet rsz.jpg
Leaflet promoting ratification of the Briand-Kellogg Treaty (Kellogg-Briand Pact)."Can the United States Ignore Foreign Affairs?FOREIGN AFFAIRS sent our Boys into the Trenches in Europe...FOREIGN AFFAIRS affect our Taxes. FOREIGN AFFAIRS, whether we…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v2 n6 DEC 1912 Walker O_Loughlin Will this letter be answered rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Walker O'Loughlin originally published in the Portland Telegram. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 2, no. 6 (December 1912), p. 9. A girl in ragged clothing holds up a small boy so he can drop a letter into a U.S. Mail…

M 9 Box 49 Wm Jennings Bryan Advocates Votes for Women rsz.jpg
Two-sided handbill. "Secretary of State for Woman Suffrage. Mr. Bryan's statement is as follows...

Batman 105 feb 1957 Winter Sports Champions of the World rsz.jpg
Comic description: The comic begins with this text: "Started by the ancient Greeks, the Olympic Games stand for international friendship through fine sportsmanship. Athletes of 32 nations gathered in Cortina, Italy for the first part of the 1956…

Woman Citizen April 17 1920 cover rsz.jpg
Article concerning the third publication in the Children's Bureau series on illegitimacy, "Illegitimacy as a Child Welfare Problem" (Bur. Pub. No. 66). Lists seven minimum standards for illegitimate children's welfare as adopted by the Children's…

Woman Citizen April 20 1918 cover rsz.jpg
Cover shows a ballot box with the caption "What Every Woman Voter Should Know."Cartoons by Charles H. "Doc" Winner."Due for Another Puncture" p.409"WE can carry our share of the burden. Give US our share of the Government" p. 416Two-page spread "The…

Woman Citizen Dec 20 1919 Help I cant keep it down.jpg
"Help! I Can't Keep it Down" cover cartoon by Charles H. Winner Article , "Noted Virginian for the F. S. A." reports on Colonel H. W. Anderson writing to the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia in support of ratification of the Federal Suffrage…

Woman Citizen December 27 1924 cover rsz.jpg
Issue concerned with the Child Labor Amendment.Cover illustration identified as "Etching 'Felix' by Eileen A. Soper. Copyright, A.C. & H.W. Dickens--Courtesy Robertson Deschamps Galleries."

Woman Citizen Feb 14 1920 cover2 rsz.jpg
"Handing on the Work" cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Advertisement for Rhoads clothing suitable for "The Woman of Today." "The Dress of the Hour on Exhibitition at the Convention Hall. A Marked Innovation -- The Dress of the Hour Representing…

Woman Citizen Feb 23 1918.jpg
"For Justice And Mercy Women's Over Sea Hospital Unit Sails For France" Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor Two-page spread "Women's Oversea Hospitals, U.S.A"Back cover advertisement for The Woman Citizen: "Suffragists are the Giants Among Women"

Woman Citizen January_19_1918 Halt Who Goes There rsz.jpg
[Image Description: A soldier wearing a sash that reads "democracy" points a bayonet at the end of a rifle at a woman wrapped in a red hooded cloak.]Below the image is text that reads:"Halt Who Goes There?" "National Suffrage" "Pass, friend" Cover…

Woman Citizen January 5 1918 In the hands of her friends.jpg
[Image Description: The cover of Woman Citizen shows a drawing of a woman wearing a white neoclassical dress with the word "suffrage" written across her chest. On either side of here are men dressed in coattails stand on either side of her. The man…

Woman Citizen June 5 1920 rsz.jpg
Includes article, "New Women for Old." The article's three sections: "The Artist's Ideal" by C.D. Batchelor; "The Poet's Ideal" by Clinton Scollard; "Philosophically Speaking" by André Tridon.

The Woman Citizen June 9 1917 They Shall Not Pass rsz.jpg
"They Shall Not Pass" cover cartoon by C. D. Batchelor "They Work Together: Why Not Vote Together" from photo spread pp. 28-29, entitled "Light Work for Ladies."

Woman Citizen Nov 6 1920 Election News_Interest in Common C-D_Batchelor rsz.jpg
The Woman Citizen, November 6, 1920 was published following the first presidential election in which women could vote -- November 2, 1920."ELECTION NEWS -- Interest in Common"Cover illustration by C. D. Batchelor[Image Description: A man and woman…

Woman Citizen Oct 27 1917 rsz.jpg
"Women Bring All Voters Into the World. Let Women Vote"Cover illustration by James Montgomery Flagg.Advertisements for Jell-O, a suffrage radiator cap for your car, and for The Woman Citizen -- "For Women, By Women, Read By Women Who Think""Women are…

Woman Citizen Oct 30 1920 cover rsz.jpg
Woman Citizen published just days before the first presidential election in which women could vote. Shown here: Campaign advertisement for the Democratic party ticket for the 1920 presidential election (James R. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt) "Let's…
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