Browse Items (513 total)

Superboy no 52 oct 1956 How to spend a summer week rsz.jpg
Binky shows "How to Spend a Summer Week!"Comic description: Binky continues to provide Pete with options of fun things to do during the summer like going to the museum, the library, or the beach. Pete always responds that he does not want to go. In…

VCU_M 23 Box 3 Seibel Working Woman Cartoon no 1503 date 1922 crop rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon created by Fred O. Seibel in 1922, and published in The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 1503.Image Description: A smiling woman sits at her office  typewriter, grateful that she is not doing manual labor on the…

VCU M 23 Box 3 Cartoon no 843 The Tertium rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Fred O. Seibel for The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 843.Image Description: Capital, Labor, and The Public sit at a table as Uncle Sam raises his eyebrows and appears worried. Labor is big and brawny. Capital…

VCU_M 23 Box 3 Cartoon no 1312 Fall In_Bonus Mess Tent veterans.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Fred O. Seibel for The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 1312.The cartoon relates to the War Adjusted Compensation Act (Bonus Act) of May 19, 1924. This act granted a benefit (bonus) to veterans of military…

Simmons_SESI_1908_ cover 001 rsz.jpg
The Society for the Entertainment of Shut-Ins(SESI) was founded in 1901 by the Rev. George W. Shinn, D. D. in Boston, Massachusetts. Shinn was the rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, Ma.According to these documents, the Society aimed “to relive…

Simmons_SESI_1909_cover 001 rsz.jpg
The Society for the Entertainment of Shut-Ins(SESI) was founded in 1901 by the Rev. George W. Shinn, D. D. in Boston, Massachusetts. Shinn was the rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, Ma.According to these documents, the Society aimed “to relive…

M 9 Box 48 ABC of organization  p1 rsz.jpg
An alphabet activity booklet by Mrs. Frank J. Shuler of the National Woman Suffrage Association as a part of "The Efficiency Series." This series of booklets is "designed to educate suffragists themselves [and] embody the actual results of practical…

M 9 Box 98 UVA News Letter Ciizenship Education at the University p1 rsz.jpg
This article, "CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY," appeared in the University of Virginia News Letter, Vol. III, No. 4 on October 23,1920. It describes the new department of Citizenship Education under the Bureau of Extension of the University…

Union PSem_SCLC Sept 1963 p1 MarchWash036 rsz.jpg
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) newsletter published weeks after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The newsletter reports on the March and also reports on the upcoming 7th Annual conference to take place at Virginia Union…

U Minnesota_SCLC Crusade for the Vote brochure p1 rsz.jpg
Brochure distributed by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which describes and promotes the "Crusade for the Ballot. To Double the Negro Vote in the South." The campaign aimed to double the number of registered Black voters in the…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n1 Jan 1913 p14 Starrett rsz2.jpg
Editorial cartoon by William Kemp Starrett originally published in The Knickerbocker Press. Republished here in Cartoons Magazine, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1913), p. 14. Coleman Livingston Blease was governor of South Carolina from 1911 - 1915. He was…

VCU_NC 1300_C37  v3 n4 p238 Partners WK Starrett Knickerbocker rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by William Kemp Starrett published in The Knickerbocker Press. Image Description: An anthropomorphized can of Impure Milk shakes hand with a grinning undertaker and says, "Hello, Old Man! How's business?" Beneath the cartoon is the…

UH 630_S65_1914 Soldier Attention front cover crop rsz.jpg
World War I pamphlet warning soldiers of the effect of sexually transmitted diseases.Transcription:"Soldier, you responded when your country called. You have put your strength, your manhood and your hope into this war. You want to be a clean-cut…

Baylor Univ Libraries_The Equity Star.jpg
Musical score for voice and piano.Illustrated title page printed in red/black/white with a drawing of the emblem of the Actors' Equity Association; "As staged by Hassard Short at the Equity annual ball, Hotel Astor, November 19th 1921."Complete…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 fInterracial Commission Ora Brown Stokes fundraising NFCWC rsz.jpg
Letterhead: Commission on Inter-Racial Co-operation, Atlanta, Ga.210 W. Leigh St.Richmond Va. June 1st 1922Dear Miss Clark:The National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs will meet in this city during the first week in August and I am asked to…

M9 Box 229 Womans Journal and Suffrage News May 29 1915 rsz.jpg
Political cartoon by Charles H. "Bill" Sykes published by Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, Vol . 46, No.22, May 29, 1915.A dour woman named "Anti-Suffrage" sits on the steps to block several young girls from leaving a house. Outside, girls from…

Simmons_History of Trade Unionism among Women in Boston_WTUL_001 crop rsz.jpg
A brief historical overview of the relationship between unionism and working women in Boston. This approach attempts to identify the causes for the wage and employment disparities of working women in comparison to working men, and therefore…

Brandeis_Care for Her Through the YWCA_ww1.15 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Adolph Treidler to publicize the YWCA's participation in the United War Work Campaign, November 11 - 18, 1918.The United War Work Campaign was a a one-week fundraising effort during World War I. Seven voluntary…

Brandeis_Help Stop This Buy WSS_ww1.30 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Adolph Treidler for the National War Savings Committee to encourage Americans to purchase of War Savings Stamps.A German soldier carriying a bloody knife and rifle walks over a bleeding person. The ruins of a church are…

VCU_M172 B5 Radio Speech Material 1937_46 Code of Wartime Practices p1 rsz.jpg
This pamphlet is a revision of the first Code of Wartime Practices for American Broadcasters issues five months previously. It contains guidelines for voluntary censorship related to "News" and "Programs." Because of the international character of…

M4 Box 1 folder 1 19th c USA Temperance Union pledge rsz.jpg
We, the undersigned, connected with the Army of the United States, feeling the necessity of some fafe-guard against the evil of Intemperance so prevalent among us, and believing that Total Abstinence alone will prove effectual, do adopt the following…

Simmons_UMHLW_Little Wanderers Advocate cover rsz.jpg
The first 16 pages of this item describe the origin, mission statement, constitution, and founding board members of the Union Mission and Home for Little Wanderers.Union Mission & Home for Little Wanderers formed by ten Boston businessmen to care…

U Minnesota_Voting Rights Act the first months front cover rsz.jpg
Within the first six weeks after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, staff attorneys from the Commission on Civil Rights visited 32 Southern counties and parishes to study the implementation of the legislation. This document is their report,…

VMHC_Broadside.1944.4VHS rsz.jpg
In 1944, military leaders struggled to maintain troop levels as casualties mounted in World War II. The Navy Women’s Reserve Act, signed into law in 1942, authorized women to become part of the group called Women Accepted for Volunteer…

M 9 Box 55 When They Come Home cover rsz.jpg
This pamphlet is specifically designed to educate the spouses, significant others, and family members of World War I soldiers on the topic of venereal disease. Excerpts: Page 2, paragraph 2 : "When men and girls are changing their occupations and…
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