Browse Items (332 total)

VCU_M 9 Box 239 We Fight for Democracy 1918 rsz.jpg
Studio portrait of costumed figures before a sign saying "We Fight For Democracy." This photograph was taken during World War I.  Ralph Harvie Wormley as Uncle Sam; Adeline Harmon Cowles as Columbia, Martha Jobson, as Democracy holding a ballot…

VCU_M 9 Box 34 Va church conference race relations letter Lacy to Clark rsz.jpg
Letter of invitation from Dr. Ben R. Lacy, Jr. Chairman of the Conference Committe and President, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. Addressed to Miss Adele Clark. the letter invites her to attend the Virginia Church Conference on Race…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 CIC Occasional Newsletter No 1 rsz.jpg
A newsletter of the Commission for Interracial Cooperation addressed to the Virginia State Committee members in the area of Richmond, Va. Excerpts: p.1 The one thing important is for the leaders of both races to be close enough to each other to know…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Va Denominational Conf on Race Relations Oct 28 1930 rsz.jpg
Alternate name: Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations. A meeting of white religious leaders convened to discuss how churches might take a leadership role in race relations. See all documents related to this event.

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Hiking the Health Road_National Health Circle for Colored People p1 rsz2.jpg
Informational pamphlet about the National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc. The National Health Circle for Colored People developed out of the Circle for Negro Relief, an organization that helped meet the needs for black soldiers and their…

OneVirginia2021 Let the people vote bumper sticker rsz.jpg
Bumper sticker created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

VCU_M9 Box 233 f7 oversize_LWV poster rsz.jpg
Poster shows a muse-like figure pointing towards the Capitol as a woman deposits her ballot into a locked ballot box. The voting woman holds the hand of a small female child dressed in pink.Poster text: "VOTE / League of Women Voters" Printed by Erie…

OneVirginia2021 tote bag rsz.jpg
Blue tote bag with white lettering reading "I support Voting districts for Virginians, not politicians." The OneVirginia2021 logo appears in the center with the words "For Fair Redistricting." OneVirginia2021 is an American civic…

OneVirginia2021 pinback button crop rsz.jpg
Pinback button created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

OneVirginia2021 Free Our Districts bumper sticker rsz.jpg
Bumper sticker created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

VCU_M 277 Box 11 Report on Registration and Voting Participation cover rsz alt.jpg
Report of the President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation. The bipartisan commission was created by Executive Order on March 30, 1963 by President John F. Kennedy. The Commission was chaired by Richard M. Scammon, Census…

VCU_M 277 Box11 Letter from LBJ to Eleanor Sheppard rsz.jpg
Letter to the Honorable Eleanor P. Sheppard, Mayor of Richmond, Virginia from President Lyndon Baines Johnson. February 10, 1964. This letter accompanied the President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation "Report on Registration and…

VCU_M 306 Box2 f8 Pilgrimage of prayer for public schools 1959 rsz.jpg
Broadside advertising A Pilgrimage of Prayer for Public Schools, January 1, 1959 in Richmond, Va. At this event, organizers played a seven-minute pre-recorded message from Dr. King. A description of the event by Wyatt Tee Walker as reported to Dr.…

VCU_M 306 Box2 f6 Richmond Crusade for Voters collection  blank paper voter registration rsz.jpg
Bulletin No. 29 addressed To ALL REGISTRARS OF VIRGINIA. Stamped in red "Important Read Carefully." Excerpts: The 1958 session of the General Assembly made several changes in the Election Laws of Virginia stressing the duties of the registrars and…

VCU_M 306 Box2 f8 Crusade for Voters_Youve got it use it flyer rsz.jpg
Richmond Crusade for Voters flyer. A hand brings down a heavy hammer that says VOTE, and breaks a chain. Text:  you've got it...USE IT! Votes mean FREEDOM. Register and voteVotes mean EQUALITY. Register and voteVotes mean first-class citizenship.…

VCU_M296 Box 2 fMississippi_John Brooks letter to Medgar Evers carbon May 20 1958 rsz.jpg
Carbon copy of letter from John M. Brooks, Director of Voter Registration, Virginia NAACP to Medgar W. Evers, Field Secretary, Mississippi NAACP. Sent 20 May 1958 in response to Evers' letter of 15 May 1958. Text: Mr. Medgar W. Evers 1072 Lynch…

VCU_M296 Box 2 FMississippi_ Medgar Evers letter to JBrooks May 15 1958 rsz.jpg
Letter from Medgar W. Evers, Field Secretary, Mississippi NAACP to John M. Brooks, Director, Voter Registration, Virginia NAACP. Dated May 15, 1958, the letter is an update on the progress of voter registration efforts in Mississippi. Text: Mr.…

VCU_M296 Box 2 fMississippi_Brooks letter July 7 1958 rsz.jpg
Letter of encouragement from John M. Brooks, NAACP Registration Director following a meeting he attended in Mississippi. Text -- Dear Friend: My meeting with you in Mississippi was an inspiration to me. It proved my belief that, "if people are given…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Alabama Male Associates Opposed to Womans Suffrage ESL_041 rsz.jpg
Letter from Martin L. Calhoun, Secretary Treasurer of the Alabama Male Association Opposed to Woman's Suffrage dated 15 August 1919. The letter was sent to the Hon. H. D. Dillard (of Franklin County, Va.), General Assembly, Richmond, Va. Calhoun is…

M 9 b 242 Equal Suffrage League Febrary 1915 adj rsz.jpg
Equal Suffrage League of Richmond, Va. in front of Washington Monument, Capitol Square, Richmond. The members of the ESL were promoting the suffrage film, "Your Girl and Mine." Photo published in The Times-Dispatch: Richmond, Va., February 28, 1915,…

VCU_M296 Box 2 Voter Registration students 1959 rsz.jpg
Photograph of students from Luther Judson Price High School of Atlanta, Ga., prepare to register to vote. Caption attached to photograph: "18 year old high school students of Atlanta, Georgia as they embark by bus to register in the 1959 Voter…

VCU_M 296 Box 2 fRichmond Crusade for Voters broadside 1976 rsz.jpg
This handbill was produced during Crusade for Voters campaign in 1976.The Crusade for Voters in Richmond, Virginia was started by John Mitchell Brooks, Dr. William S. Thornton, Dr. William Ferguson Reid, Ethel T. Overby and Lola…

M68 Box 11 Edward H Peeples papers_Poll Tax 1948 bill alt rsz.jpg
Virginia State Capitation Tax receipts from the various years. Note: Names and addresses have been removed from these receipts. Poll taxes have a long and contentious history in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Payment of the tax first became a…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Anti Suffrage Red behind the Black front rsz.jpg
Two-sided handbill. One side uses quotations from The Messenger (1917-1928) to associate woman suffrage, black voting, and a socialist takeover of the United States government. The handbill argues that Socialists will benefit if a "Force Bill"…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Elihu Root Warns the South_James Callaway rsz.jpg
Broadside publishing an essay by James Callaway, editor of the Macon Telegraph and an ardent anti-suffragist. Callaway quotes Senator William Borah: "The cornerstone of the very fabric of our system is the right of local self-government as to who…
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