Front and back covers of a four-page pamphlet created by the Crusade for Voters, Richmond, Va. The circular logo on the front cover shows a family of color with an American flag. Surrounding them is the slogan, "Every member of our family is a…
A pamphlet explaining the origin and mission of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, an organization founded in January, 1919 in Atlanta. The group sought to further "mutual understanding, peace, and good will" between the white and black…
Protesters and shoppers outside Southside Sundry, Farmville, Va., July 1963.The Rev. James "Jimmy" Franklin of Sharon Baptist Church in Cumberland carries "America is our Jail..." sign. Catherine Scott is at right.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now…
Protestor outside Safeway, Farmville Shopping Center, August 1963.Demonstrators carry signs opposing racial segregation, and encouraging shoppers to boycott businesses that support discriminatory practices.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now Project
Photograph on postcard of a young African American woman named Annie Holland, standing in front of the Seventeenth Street Mission in Richmond, VA. Se wears a long dress with a jacket. Her hands are clasped behind her back. Notes on the front of the…
Anti-busing, anti-integration, anti-government flyer created by the National Socialist White Peoples Party (previously named the American Nazi Party) of Arlington, Va.Using violent antisemitic and racist speech, this flyer paints a dire picture of an…
Bond, issued in 1917 in return for a donationof $1.00 toward the construction of Piedmont Sanatorium. The Piedmont Sanatorium was established in Burkeville, Virginia, in June, 1918. At that time, tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death…
Pamphlet published by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, an organization which opposed lynching and promoted interracial dialogue and cooperation.Described on the cover as "stories summarized from press reports," the pamphlets relates…
This broadside asserts “there is a basic, inherent mental difference between the races,” citing IQ tests and a booklet by Henry E. Garrett, How Classroom Desegregation Will Work (1966). Henry Garrett was at the forefront of a resurgence of racial…
Demonstration in front of Prince Edward County Courthouse, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963, protesting the four-year long closure of the public schools Clara Gibson is closest to camera. Third person in line is Sandra "Sandy" Stokes. Second…
This booklet was distributed by the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government (VCCG) in opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Commission began in 1958 and existed until the late 1960s. Led by David J. Mays, a prominent lawyer and…
Protesters near Southside Sundry and Southside Business Machines, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963.Irene Williams carries "Don't Buy Segregation." Kenneth Johnson stands at left in dark pants.Protesters carry signs opposing racial segregation,…
From header, "A Bulletin to Promote the Use of Radio for Educational, Cultural, and Civic Purposes" A quarterly publication by The National Committee on Education in Radio. Committee members: Arthur G. Crane, Chairman James E. Cummings Harold G.…
Broadside publishing an essay by James Callaway, editor of the Macon Telegraph and an ardent anti-suffragist. Callaway quotes Senator William Borah: "The cornerstone of the very fabric of our system is the right of local self-government as to who…
Photograph of girls and young women from an embroidery class taught at the Seventeenth Street Mission, Richmond, VA.Caption on card: "An embroidery class taught by wife of a Pres[byterian] minister. All have recited C.Cat[echism] 145 q[uestions].…
This broadside was issued by the Equal Suffrage League in about 1916. Southern suffragists were forced to respond to anti-suffrage groups who argued that if African American women gained the right to vote, white supremacy would be threatened.…
Protesters in front of Prince Edward County Courthouse, Main St., Farmville, Va., July 1963.The Rev. Goodwin Douglas, pastor of Beulah AME, with "Father forgive them..." sign.Fourth person in line behind the Rev. Douglas is Clara Gibson. Visible…
Lucy Goode Brooks (1818–1900) and members of the Ladies Sewing Circle for Charitable Work established the Friends Asylum for Colored Orphans in 1871. These formerly enslaved women enlisted the support of the Cedar Creek Meeting Society of Friends…
A flyer promoting an appearance by George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, in Richmond, Virginia on July 4, 1963. The rally was to intended to motivate opposition to the March on Washington that would take place on August 28,…
This informational brochure describes "interesting facts about the object, origin and progress" of a working-girls' home for self-supporting African American women in Richmond, Va. The project, described as a technical training school, was…
During the 1960s, George Lincoln Rockwell attempted to draw attention to the American Nazi Party (which he founded) by starting a small record label, named Hatenanny Records. The label released several 45 RPM singles, including recordings by a group…
Photograph of students from Luther Judson Price High School of Atlanta, Ga., prepare to register to vote. Caption attached to photograph: "18 year old high school students of Atlanta, Georgia as they embark by bus to register in the 1959 Voter…
Postcard showing Imperial Palace, Stone Mountain, GA surrounded by seven Klansmen brandishing torches, mounted on horseback. A portrait of William Joseph Simmons, founder and leader of the second Ku Klux Klan, appears at upper right corner. Portrait…
Reprint of Senator Harry F. Byrd's speech as recorded in the United States of America, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 87th Congress, First Session.
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…