This information bulletin is a publication of the Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress. The four-page document, written by CLSA director Leo Pfeffer, discusses the topic of literacy tests and voter registration,…
Virginia State Capitation Tax receipts from the various years. Note: Names and addresses have been removed from these receipts. Poll taxes have a long and contentious history in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Payment of the tax first became a…
Bulletin No. 29 addressed To ALL REGISTRARS OF VIRGINIA. Stamped in red "Important Read Carefully." Excerpts: The 1958 session of the General Assembly made several changes in the Election Laws of Virginia stressing the duties of the registrars and…
This broadside was issued by the Equal Suffrage League in about 1916. Southern suffragists were forced to respond to anti-suffrage groups who argued that if African American women gained the right to vote, white supremacy would be threatened.…
Within the first six weeks after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, staff attorneys from the Commission on Civil Rights visited 32 Southern counties and parishes to study the implementation of the legislation. This document is their report,…
Woman Citizen published just days before the first presidential election in which women could vote. Shown here: Campaign advertisement for the Democratic party ticket for the 1920 presidential election (James R. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt) "Let's…
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
Photograph of students from Luther Judson Price High School of Atlanta, Ga., prepare to register to vote. Caption attached to photograph: "18 year old high school students of Atlanta, Georgia as they embark by bus to register in the 1959 Voter…
Editorial cartoon by Fred O. Seibel for The Knickerbocker Press. Mounted and identified as no. 929. The cartoon was created in April 1920 after duly-elected assemblymen were expelled from the New York State Assembly. The Speaker of the Senate at the…
This booklet was distributed by the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government (VCCG) in opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Commission began in 1958 and existed until the late 1960s. Led by David J. Mays, a prominent lawyer and…