A pamphlet explaining the origin and mission of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, an organization founded in January, 1919 in Atlanta. The group sought to further "mutual understanding, peace, and good will" between the white and black…
A compilation of quotations from prominent Southern African Americans on the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Included are Robert Russa Moton, Mary McLeod Bethune, Dr. Isaac Fisher, Dr. Alfred Lawless and others.Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the…
This information bulletin is a publication of the Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress. The four-page document, written by CLSA director Leo Pfeffer, discusses the topic of literacy tests and voter registration,…
Bulletin No. 29 addressed To ALL REGISTRARS OF VIRGINIA. Stamped in red "Important Read Carefully." Excerpts: The 1958 session of the General Assembly made several changes in the Election Laws of Virginia stressing the duties of the registrars and…
Songs recorded by participants in CORE's Freedom Highways project in the summer of 1962. The project was designed to open chain restaurants along major federal highways to all persons. Vinyl LP and songbook. Dauntless DM 4301, a division of Audio…
This handbill was produced during Crusade for Voters campaign in 1976.The Crusade for Voters in Richmond, Virginia was started by John Mitchell Brooks, Dr. William S. Thornton, Dr. William Ferguson Reid, Ethel T. Overby and Lola…
Pamphlet published by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, written by Robert B. Eleazer, Educational Director. The pamphlet describes commission meetings in Memphis, Tn. and Atlanta, Ga., and the responsibility felt by southern white women…
A pamphlet addressing resistance from white Americans to racial integration. Written by the Educational Director of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. The writer, Robert B. Eleazer, refutes the "Curse of Ham" as a justification for slavery or…
A collection of quotations from prominent Southern whites and blacks on the subject of race relations. Compiled by Robert Burns Eleazer, Education Director for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC).Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the CIC…
This broadside was issued by the Equal Suffrage League in about 1916. Southern suffragists were forced to respond to anti-suffrage groups who argued that if African American women gained the right to vote, white supremacy would be threatened.…
Letter from Medgar W. Evers, Field Secretary, Mississippi NAACP to John M. Brooks, Director, Voter Registration, Virginia NAACP. Dated May 15, 1958, the letter is an update on the progress of voter registration efforts in Mississippi. Text: Mr.…
Manuscript of article published in The Liberator on March 29, 1861 (p.51). This article by William Lloyd Garrison is a critique of Reverend Gilbert Haven's reply to another article published in the Liberator, which criticized a letter Haven sent to…
Lucy Goode Brooks (1818–1900) and members of the Ladies Sewing Circle for Charitable Work established the Friends Asylum for Colored Orphans in 1871. These formerly enslaved women enlisted the support of the Cedar Creek Meeting Society of Friends…
Pamphlet by W.H. Hand, State High School Inspector, Columbia, South Carolina. Reprint from the Child Labor Bulletin, 1/1, June 1912. Includes data from the 1910 U.S. Census.Excerpts:p. 6 "...in a democracy where manhood suffrage practically prevails,…
Group of men, including James Farmer, during his second attempt to march to Montgomery, Alabama from Selma, Alabama. From left to right: Fred Shuttlesworth, Martin Luther King Jr., James Farmer, and James Forman. In the foreground: Andrew Young.
This 1944 booklet is the Virginia Voters League’s fifth annual report. The League began in 1941 and worked with the NAACP in advocating for increased African American participation at the polls. It was led by Luther P. Jackson, an historian and civil…
From header, "A Bulletin to Promote the Use of Radio for Educational, Cultural, and Civic Purposes" A quarterly publication by The National Committee on Education in Radio. Committee members: Arthur G. Crane, Chairman James E. Cummings Harold G.…
Informational pamphlet about the National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc. The National Health Circle for Colored People developed out of the Circle for Negro Relief, an organization that helped meet the needs for black soldiers and their…
Anti-busing, anti-integration, anti-government flyer created by the National Socialist White Peoples Party (previously named the American Nazi Party) of Arlington, Va.Using violent antisemitic and racist speech, this flyer paints a dire picture of an…
This informational brochure describes "interesting facts about the object, origin and progress" of a working-girls' home for self-supporting African American women in Richmond, Va. The project, described as a technical training school, was…
Bond, issued in 1917 in return for a donationof $1.00 toward the construction of Piedmont Sanatorium. The Piedmont Sanatorium was established in Burkeville, Virginia, in June, 1918. At that time, tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death…
Educational comic book published by the Fellowship of Reconciliationfollowing the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The comic book advocates for the principles of nonviolence and teaches methods of nonviolent resistance. It was produced by the…
A newsletter of the Commission for Interracial Cooperation addressed to the Virginia State Committee members in the area of Richmond, Va. Excerpts: p.1 The one thing important is for the leaders of both races to be close enough to each other to know…
The First Biennial Report (Second and Third Annual Reports) of the Virginia State School for Colored Deaf and Blind Children at Newport News, Virginia. For the fiscal years ending September 30, 1910 and September 30, 1911. Report of the…
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) newsletter published weeks after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The newsletter reports on the March and also reports on the upcoming 7th Annual conference to take place at Virginia Union…