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Southern Opinion and Race Relations [pamphlet]
A collection of quotations from prominent Southern whites and blacks on the subject of race relations. Compiled by Robert Burns Eleazer, Education Director for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC).Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the CIC…
The Opinion of Those Who Ought to Know: What Representative Negroes Say of the Interracial Movement [pamphlet]
A compilation of quotations from prominent Southern African Americans on the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Included are Robert Russa Moton, Mary McLeod Bethune, Dr. Isaac Fisher, Dr. Alfred Lawless and others.Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the…
Hatenanny Records [American Nazi Party]
During the 1960s, George Lincoln Rockwell attempted to draw attention to the American Nazi Party (which he founded) by starting a small record label, named Hatenanny Records. The label released several 45 RPM singles, including recordings by a group…
Boating Not Busing [National Socialist White Peoples Party flyer]
Anti-busing, anti-integration, anti-government flyer created by the National Socialist White Peoples Party (previously named the American Nazi Party) of Arlington, Va.Using violent antisemitic and racist speech, this flyer paints a dire picture of an…
White Power. The Newspaper of White Revolution, No. 24, February 1972 [National Socialist White Peoples Party publication]
Publication of the National Socialist White Peoples Party, formerly the American Nazi Party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell. Matt Koehl succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as commander of the NSWPP after Rockwell was shot by John Patler.The cover of…
Students sing outside Beulah AME Church Parsonage, Farmville, Va., August 1963
Students sing outside Beulah AME Church Parsonage, Farmville, Va., August 1963, in protest of the closing of Prince Edward County Schools. Woman singing at left is Ernestine Land. Tony Reid stands at right.
Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story
Educational comic book published by the Fellowship of Reconciliationfollowing the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The comic book advocates for the principles of nonviolence and teaches methods of nonviolent resistance. It was produced by the…
Power is Green
Educational comic book in the form of a dialogue between a successful black man in a suit who is taking a vacation with his wife in their convertable. He encourages young men of color hanging around a diner to get free job training and advice so as…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 1 [Georgia Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 2
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 3 [Mississippi Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 4 [South Carolina Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 5 [Texas Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
Need of Compulsory Education in the South [NCLC Pamphlet No. 192]
Pamphlet by W.H. Hand, State High School Inspector, Columbia, South Carolina. Reprint from the Child Labor Bulletin, 1/1, June 1912. Includes data from the 1910 U.S. Census.Excerpts:p. 6 " a democracy where manhood suffrage practically prevails,…
Education by Radio. Vol. II, No. 1. First Quarter 1941.
From header, "A Bulletin to Promote the Use of Radio for Educational, Cultural, and Civic Purposes" A quarterly publication by The National Committee on Education in Radio. Committee members: Arthur G. Crane, Chairman James E. Cummings Harold G.…
Tags: African Americans, Ambrose Caliver, education, media, radio
In Defense of Prince Edward County of Virginia. Speech of Hon. Harry Flood Byrd of Virginia in the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, May 17, 1961
Reprint of Senator Harry F. Byrd's speech as recorded in the United States of America, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 87th Congress, First Session.
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 6
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 7
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 8
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 9
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 10
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 11
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 12
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
Interracial News Service, vol. 9, no. 2, February 1938
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…
Interracial News Service, vol.9 no.3, April 1938
A news digest published by the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, New York, NY. The Federal Council of Churches was an ecumenical association of Protestant denominations in the United States founded in Philadelphia in 1908. It…