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M 9 Box 48 Southern States Jefferson Hotel program p1 rsz.jpg
This program is for the Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference Second Annual Convention, held at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, VA from December 11, 1915 to December 13, 1915.The back cover displays a poem entitled "The Suffragists' 'America,'"…

VCU_M 9 Box 100 Interracial Cooperation Commission Southern Opinion and Race Relations cover rsz.jpg
A collection of quotations from prominent Southern whites and blacks on the subject of race relations. Compiled by Robert Burns Eleazer, Education Director for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC).Founded in Atlanta in 1919, the CIC…

Union PSem_SCLC Sept 1963 p1 MarchWash036 rsz.jpg
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) newsletter published weeks after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The newsletter reports on the March and also reports on the upcoming 7th Annual conference to take place at Virginia Union…

M 1977_L3S66 1973 IWW Songs cover rsz.jpg
Ths is the 34th edition of the Little Red Songbook, also known as I.W.W. Songs or Songs of the Industrial Workers of the World. The book is a compilation of tunes, hymns, and songs used by the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) to help build…

UPSEM William Crowe Letter 12_26_1933 Child Labor 007 rsz.jpg
Materials sent to pastors in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), urging them to contact their state representatives to oppose ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, which was adopted by  Congress in 1924. Included are a note from…

UH 630_S65_1914 Soldier Attention front cover crop rsz.jpg
World War I pamphlet warning soldiers of the effect of sexually transmitted diseases.Transcription:"Soldier, you responded when your country called. You have put your strength, your manhood and your hope into this war. You want to be a clean-cut…

Simmons_SESI_1909_cover 001 rsz.jpg
The Society for the Entertainment of Shut-Ins(SESI) was founded in 1901 by the Rev. George W. Shinn, D. D. in Boston, Massachusetts. Shinn was the rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, Ma.According to these documents, the Society aimed “to relive…

Simmons_SESI_1908_ cover 001 rsz.jpg
The Society for the Entertainment of Shut-Ins(SESI) was founded in 1901 by the Rev. George W. Shinn, D. D. in Boston, Massachusetts. Shinn was the rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, Ma.According to these documents, the Society aimed “to relive…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Anti Suffrage Red behind the Black front rsz.jpg
Two-sided handbill. One side uses quotations from The Messenger (1917-1928) to associate woman suffrage, black voting, and a socialist takeover of the United States government. The handbill argues that Socialists will benefit if a "Force Bill"…

VCU_Social Justice Feb 13 1939 front cover rsz.jpg
Front and back covers of Social Justice,February 13, 1939. Social Justice was a national weekly periodical published by Father Charles Coughlin during the late 1930s and early 1940s.Couglin was a Canadian-American Roman Catholic priest based near…

VCU M12 b1 f9 01 Biographical sketch of Hattie Chambers Wills rsz.jpg
Draft of a biographical sketch of Black educator for the blind, Hattie Chambers Wills, who was herself blind. Includes some editor's marks and several paragraphs of additional material written at least partially in shorthand.Hattie Chambers is listed…

M9 Box 49 Six Reasons Why Farmers Wives Should Vote rsz.jpg
Accessible PDFNational Woman Suffrage Association handbill, written by Amelia MacDonald Cutler. "Because the votes of the farm women would double the rural vote. Farmers have less political influence than they had before the civil war. Farmers need…

M1977 _P75S57 1962 Sit-in Songs CORE cover rsz.jpg
Songs recorded by participants in CORE's Freedom Highways project in the summer of 1962. The project was designed to open chain restaurants along major federal highways to all persons. Vinyl LP and songbook. Dauntless DM 4301, a division of Audio…

American Labor Mus_Singing Solidarity forever rsz.jpg
Strikers raise their fists and sing as they march down a street during the Passaic Textile Strike, 1926.  One striker wears a military uniform. Photograph is marked for cropping. The I.W.W. song "Solidarity Forever" was sung to the tune of "John…

VCU_M 425 B13 f12 Eliz Smith_Shoulder to Shoulder March for ERA Raleigh NC rsz.jpg
Handbill advertising a march in support of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The rally was held on Saturday, May 2, 1981 in Raleigh, North Carolina. The deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment was 1982; however, Congress has the power…

VCU_M 304 b3 Jean Hellmuth papers_Muriel  Smiths ERA office_Shoulder to Shoulder rsz.jpg
Music and lyrics taken from "The March of Women" composed by Ethel Smyth in 1910, to words by Cicely Hamilton. This copy was posted on the bulletin board of Muriel Smith's ERA office in Virginia.  "The March of the Women" became the official anthem…

UnionPSem_Seventeenth St Mission c1920 rsz.jpg
Photograph of students, teachers and staff at the Seventeenth Street Mission. In 1911, students from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia (Later, Union Presbyterian Seminary) started an urban ministry outreach program in the most impoverished…

UMW_Seven Lectures on Female_Education title page.jpg
Seven lectures on the education of young women, primarily concerned with character formation. Garnett indicates that the following topics will be covered:The moral and religious obligations to a right improvement of time. The best means of…

M 9 B 55 Send Your Dimes rsz.jpg
Printed fundraising solicitation on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the National League of Women Voters at their convention, April 28 to May 3, 1930.Transcription:"The National League of Women Voters in ConventionApril 28 to May 3, 1930Will…

VCU_M 9 Box 51 Anti Suffrage J T Morgan Denounces Woman Suffrage rsz.jpg
Anti-suffrage broadside that argues voting will corrupt women, and, more urgently, that increasing the number of black votes will bring about the end of white supremacy in Alabama. The words of Senator John Tyler Morgan, a staunch proponent of white…

U Minnesota_SCLC Crusade for the Vote brochure p1 rsz.jpg
Brochure distributed by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which describes and promotes the "Crusade for the Ballot. To Double the Negro Vote in the South." The campaign aimed to double the number of registered Black voters in the…

Superboy The Superboy Souvenirs no.36 OCT 1954 2.jpg
Buzzy has the answer to "School Blues!" Comic description: After being discouraged by a bad report card, Joe thinks about quitting high school and starting a job. Joe meets with his school counselor, at his parent's suggestion, and his counselor…

VCU_TML_Influenza placard 1919.jpg
Public health information graphic furnished by The Virginia State Board of Health. Illustrations by Carl J. Rostrup of Richmond, Va.Transcription:"SAVE YOURSELF from INFLUENZA and pneumonia, bad colds, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheriam scarlet…

Brandeis_Save Food and Defeat Frightfulness_ww1.51 rsz.jpg
World War I poster created by Herbert Paus for the United States Food Administration.A nurse, a mother with her infant, a wounded soldier and other sick and needy people are shown tied to an Iron Cross.They point to a quotation from John Greenleaf…

Valentine_Salvation Army Friends League button_V_65_188_46.jpg
Pinback button In 1885, Methodist minister William Booth established the Christian Mission Center in East London for the city’s poor and homeless.  Booth changed the name to The Salvation Army in 1878, using military terms to organize the evangelical…
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