Browse Items (514 total)

U Minnesota_Kellogg sw0084 B22 F197 Casulaties of Child Labor p1 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet issued by the Consumers' League of Eastern Pennsylvania as an exposé of workplace accidents involving children. The authors make an appeal to regulate child labor, and “To break down the conspiracy of silence” (p. 11) about illegal child…

UPSEM_Need of Compulsory Education in the South_cover 084 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet by W.H. Hand, State High School Inspector, Columbia, South Carolina. Reprint from the Child Labor Bulletin, 1/1, June 1912. Includes data from the 1910 U.S. Census.Excerpts:p. 6 " a democracy where manhood suffrage practically prevails,…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n5 1940 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n4 1940 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n3 1940 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n2 1940 p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier v1 n1 1940  p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

UPSEM_Child Labor Legislation cover 155 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet by John F. Schenck, Chairman of the Legislative Committee of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' Association, arguing against legal protections for child workers in cotton mills and other Southern industries. Excerpts:p. 6-7…

U Minnesota_SWHA_Kellogg Sw0084 B22 F197 Here in Massachusetts p1 rsz.jpg
Here in Massachusetts: A fund raising pamphlet issued by the Massachusetts Child Labor Committee to promote regulation of working conditions and employment for children. The pamphlet cites statistics on child labor and industrial accidents and argues…

U Minnesota_SWHA_Survey sw0001 B 95 F714 Lovejoy letter to NCLC p1 adj rsz.jpg
Letter to Dr. Samuel McCuns Lindsay, Chairman, National Child Labor Committee from Owen R. Lovejoy, General Secretary, National Child Labor CommitteeDated January 27, 1925. In the letter Lovejoy reflects on the campaign against child labor and…

U Minnesota_SWHA_Zimand G sw0212 B2 F17 What did Miss Abbott Really Say pamphlet p1 rsz.jpg
A pamphlet issued by the National Child Labor Committee to present testimony by Grace Abbott, former head of the United States Children’s Bureau, before the House Judiciary Committee on February 15, 1924. The pamphlet was issued in order to counter…

U Minnesota_SWHA_Sw0084 Kellogg B22 F197 Child Labor Amendment 1924 page 1 rsz.jpg
A report by the Committee on Industrial Relations to the New York Board of Trade and Transportation.The pamphlet states that a child labor amendment is not needed and that “…it makes a natural and sympathetic appeal calculated to forestall criticism…

UPSEM William Crowe Letter 12_26_1933 Child Labor 007 rsz.jpg
Materials sent to pastors in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), urging them to contact their state representatives to oppose ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, which was adopted by  Congress in 1924. Included are a note from…

UPSEM_NCLC_Child Labor in Virginia No 171_cover 068 rsz.jpg
Pamphlet by Alexander Jeffrey McKelway, Secretary for the Southern States, National Child Labor Committee. With photographs by Lewis W. Hine, staff photographer for the NCLC. Lewis Hine made a photographic investigation of child labor in Virginia in…

Baylor_Poage_Box 241 f 13_Use of Mexican Workers Does Not Depress Farm Wages p1 rsz.jpg
This article compares the hourly wages of farm workers state-by-state, along with the number of Mexican workers employed in 1962. The document's author states, "The current average hourly farm wage of the 21 States in which Mexican workers were used…

Baylor_Poage B241 f13_ Migrant Children and Youth title page rsz.jpg
Sent to Congressman W. R. Poage (Texas) with a cover letter signed by Betty Jane Whitaker of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers.This paper was written by Florence R. Wyckoff, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Families Who Follow the Crops,…

Baylor_Poage_B241 f13_Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers letter rsz.jpg
This letter was written to Congressman W. R. Poage by Betty Jane Whitaker, Co-chairman of the Texas Committee on Migrant Farm Workers, asking him to help improve the lives of migrant workers and their children. Whitaker asks for this to be done…

Baylor_Poage_Position of Farm Worker_ R_Myers_cover rsz.jpg
This pamphlet, written by Robin Myers and published by the National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor, describes the rights of migrant farm workers in the late 1950s. This excerpt describes the conditions and the rights of child workers at both the…

Valentine_Candlelight AIDS Memorial Vigil_Don Pennell_ I_V_88_68_144 rsz.jpg
In 1981, Dr. Michael Gottlieb of UCLA identified a new disease that, among its many signs, severely weakened the immune system. Named acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), this disease was initially seen among gay men in large cities.  Human…

Valentine_Chest Xray Pinback button_V_83_158_20_v1 rsz.jpg
"I've Had My Chest X-Ray" button with red double-bar cross that was the emblem of the National Tuberculosis Association anti-TB crusade.  People can be exposed to tuberculosis bacteria and become infected. Some who are infected go on to develop…

Valentine Cook_Anti-TB_Show 1921 rsz.jpg
French bacteriologists Albert Calmette (1863–1933) and Camille Guérin (1872–1961) finalized the Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis in 1921. The vaccine remains the only tuberculosis vaccine in use today. While not perfect, it is…

Valentine_Open Air Classroom 1916_I_Cook1657 rsz.jpg
In the early-20th century, Europe and the U.S. saw the rise of “open air” schools intended to create healthy environments to combat tuberculosis using the principles of sanatoria. Sometimes purpose-built, and sometimes converted spaces, open air…

Valentine_Students washing hands before lunch_I_V_56_177_03_CaryStSchool rsz.jpg
Students from the old Cary Street School (Madison School) in Richmond, Va., demonstrate handwashing before having lunch. Washing hands regularly with soap and water remains one of the most important steps in preventing the spread of many…

Valentine_Stop Polio Sunday_I_FIC_037526_front rsz.jpg
Promotional materials for "Stop Polio Sunday. Second Dose Jan. 19." A hand drops the vaccine onto a sugar cube.Text: "everyone needs Sabin Vaccine. For complete protection against polio, EVERYONE over two months old needs ALL THREE TYPES of Sabin…

Valentine_Typhoid Fever Study_I_V_81_99_08 rsz.jpg
Lantern slide. Image taken in Richmond, Va in 1907. The Richmond Health Department formed in 1906. One of its early initiatives (1907) was to investigate 433 cases of typhoid fever, creating the city’s first systematic study of infectious disease. In…
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