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Young boy, Seventeenth Street Mission, Richmond, VA
Photograph of young African American boy in winter coat and cap standing outside the Seventeenth Street Mission in Richmond, VA. What appears to be snow is visible on the ground.Note on back: "2/23/14 17th St Mission Richmond Va."Round stamp on…
You've got it...USE IT! [Richmond Crusade for Voters flyer]
Richmond Crusade for Voters flyer. A hand brings down a heavy hammer that says VOTE, and breaks a chain. Text: you've got it...USE IT! Votes mean FREEDOM. Register and voteVotes mean EQUALITY. Register and voteVotes mean first-class citizenship.…
White Power. The Newspaper of White Revolution, No. 24, February 1972 [National Socialist White Peoples Party publication]
Publication of the National Socialist White Peoples Party, formerly the American Nazi Party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell. Matt Koehl succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as commander of the NSWPP after Rockwell was shot by John Patler.The cover of…
We Will Die For Our Civil Rights [1963 Farmville, Va. protests]
Protesters in front of J.J. Newberry, Main Street, Farmville, Va., July 1963. John Hicks carries sign in foreground; Isaac Dungee stands behind him.From VCU Libraries Freedom Now Project
Wake Up! Richmond, Va. Crusade for Voters [handbill]
This handbill was produced during Crusade for Voters campaign in 1976.The Crusade for Voters in Richmond, Virginia was started by John Mitchell Brooks, Dr. William S. Thornton, Dr. William Ferguson Reid, Ethel T. Overby and Lola…
Voting Status of Negroes in Virginia and Procedures and Requirements for Voting in Virginia
This 1944 booklet is the Virginia Voters League’s fifth annual report. The League began in 1941 and worked with the NAACP in advocating for increased African American participation at the polls. It was led by Luther P. Jackson, an historian and civil…
Voting Rights Act...the first months
Within the first six weeks after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, staff attorneys from the Commission on Civil Rights visited 32 Southern counties and parishes to study the implementation of the legislation. This document is their report,…
Volunteer staff, Seventeenth Street Mission, 1915
Postcard photo of the volunteer staff from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, the General Assembly's Training School, and probably others. Reverse of postcard contains message to W. G. Somerville from M. M. Grey."3/22/15Glad to hear from you and…
Virginia Warns Her People Against Suffrage [broadside]
Reprint of an editorial from the Richmond Evening Journal, May 4, 1915. "Virginia Warns Her People Against Suffrage ---- Twenty-nine counties would go under Negro Rule Over sixty counties in the State of Georgia The entire State of Mississippi -----…
Virginia Suffrage News, vol. 1, no. 1, October 1, 1914
First issue of the Virginia Suffrage News, a monthly newspaper published by the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia. From masthead p. 4Alice Overbey Taylor, Managing EditorMr.s G. Harvey Clarke (Mary Pollard Clarke), Editor-in-Chief Contributing…
Virginia State School for Colored Deaf and Blind Children, Newport News, Virginia. First Biennial Report. 1909-10 to 1910-11
The First Biennial Report (Second and Third Annual Reports) of the Virginia State School for Colored Deaf and Blind Children at Newport News, Virginia. For the fiscal years ending September 30, 1910 and September 30, 1911. Report of the…
Virginia State Board of Elections Bulletin No. 29, May 22, 1958 [blank sheet voter registration]
Bulletin No. 29 addressed To ALL REGISTRARS OF VIRGINIA. Stamped in red "Important Read Carefully." Excerpts: The 1958 session of the General Assembly made several changes in the Election Laws of Virginia stressing the duties of the registrars and…
Virginia Conference on Race Relations, The Southern Workman, January 1931
This article reports on the Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations held October 28, 1930 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Va. The theme of the conference was "Facing the Facts with a Christian Program." Dr. Ben Lacy, Jr. President of…
Tags: African Americans, Ben R Lacy Jr, Birth of a Nation, Commission on Interracial Cooperation, education, Gordon B Hancock, J. Hoge Ricks, John Garland Pollard, John M. Ellison, LeRoy Brown, public health, race, race relations, Richmond, Robert B. Eleazer, Robert Russa Moton, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Virginia, Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations, W. D. Gresham, W. T. Sawyer
The Southern Frontier, vol. 2, no. 4
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 2, no. 3
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 2, no. 2
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 2, no. 1
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 9
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 8
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 7
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 6
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 5 [Texas Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 4 [South Carolina Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 3 [Mississippi Issue]
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…
The Southern Frontier, vol. 1, no. 2
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…