Browse Items (513 total)

OneVirginia2021 tote bag rsz.jpg
Blue tote bag with white lettering reading "I support Voting districts for Virginians, not politicians." The OneVirginia2021 logo appears in the center with the words "For Fair Redistricting." OneVirginia2021 is an American civic…

VCU_M9 Box 233 f7 oversize_LWV poster rsz.jpg
Poster shows a muse-like figure pointing towards the Capitol as a woman deposits her ballot into a locked ballot box. The voting woman holds the hand of a small female child dressed in pink.Poster text: "VOTE / League of Women Voters" Printed by Erie…

OneVirginia2021 Let the people vote bumper sticker rsz.jpg
Bumper sticker created by OneVirginia2021, an American civic non-profit organization founded to advocate for a non-partisan redistricting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Formed in 2014, OneVirginia2021 is made up of people from across the political…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier_v2_n1_p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier_v2_n02_p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier_v2_n03_p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

Austin Sem_Southern Frontier_v2_n04_p1 rsz.jpg
Published by Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), The Southern Frontier was a monthly newsletter, first issued in January, 1940. Aiming to share the stories overlooked by traditional newspapers, the newsletter published stories of social…

VCU_M 9 Box 239 We Fight for Democracy 1918 rsz.jpg
Studio portrait of costumed figures before a sign saying "We Fight For Democracy." This photograph was taken during World War I.  Ralph Harvie Wormley as Uncle Sam; Adeline Harmon Cowles as Columbia, Martha Jobson, as Democracy holding a ballot…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Hiking the Health Road_National Health Circle for Colored People p1 rsz2.jpg
Informational pamphlet about the National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc. The National Health Circle for Colored People developed out of the Circle for Negro Relief, an organization that helped meet the needs for black soldiers and their…

VCU_M 9 Box 35 Va Denominational Conf on Race Relations Oct 28 1930 rsz.jpg
Alternate name: Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations. A meeting of white religious leaders convened to discuss how churches might take a leadership role in race relations. See all documents related to this event.

VCU_M 9 Box 35 CIC Occasional Newsletter No 1 rsz.jpg
A newsletter of the Commission for Interracial Cooperation addressed to the Virginia State Committee members in the area of Richmond, Va. Excerpts: p.1 The one thing important is for the leaders of both races to be close enough to each other to know…

VCU_M 9 Box 34 Va church conference race relations letter Lacy to Clark rsz.jpg
Letter of invitation from Dr. Ben R. Lacy, Jr. Chairman of the Conference Committe and President, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. Addressed to Miss Adele Clark. the letter invites her to attend the Virginia Church Conference on Race…

VCU M 9 Box 239 Interracial Conference of Church Women Sep 21_22 Eagles Mere PA 1926 crop rsz.jpg
Group portrait of attendees at the Interracial Conference of Church Women, Eagles Mere, Pa., September 21-22, 1926. The conference was held by the Commission on the Church and Race Relations of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 fInterracial Commission Federal Council Bulletin Sept Oct 1926 p7 rsz.jpg
Pages 7-8 (front and back) removed from Federal Council Bulletin, September-October, 1926. The article, "Church Women Explore Interracial Paths," details an interracial conference held on September 21-22, 1926 at Eagles Mere, Pa.The conference was…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 fInterracial Commission_ Letter from Westbrook April 23 1928_second conf rsz.jpg
Letter from Mary L. Westbrook (Mrs. Richard W. Westbrook), Chairman, Church Women's Committee on Race Relations, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, Inc. (Federal Council of Churches), sent to Adele Goodman Clark in her capacity as…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 fInterracial Commission_ Va Membership p1 rsz.jpg
List of members and the organizations they represented in the Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Dr. R.E. Blackwell was the Virginia Chairman of this group. The parent organization, the Commission on Interracial Cooperation (CIC), was…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 Register Vote poster rsz.jpg
Poster reprinted from Collier's encouraging qualified citizens to register and vote in the 1924 presidential election. Voter turnout that year would fall short of the 1920 count. Text: Register! Vote!Don't be a parlor patriot. Don't be a…

VCU_M 9 Box 81 Our Genius for Self Government NYTribune NYLWV rsz.jpg
Editorial cartoon by Ding Darling, reprinted from the New York Tribune by the New York League of Women Voters to encourage voter turnout for the 1924 presidential election. Image Description: In the top panel throngs of people line a city street. The…

VCU_Southern Workman_LC 2701_S7 v60 n1 1931 Jan cover rsz.jpg
This article reports on the Virginia Church Conference on Race Relations held October 28, 1930 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Va. The theme of the conference was "Facing the Facts with a Christian Program." Dr. Ben Lacy, Jr. President of…

VCU_M 9 Box 34 Anti Saloon League State Convention 1922 program cover rsz.jpg
Program for the Virginia Anti-Saloon League State Law-Enforcement Convention held February 1-2, 1922, and the letter that accompanied it. Letter (dated January 28, 1922) is from J. P. McConnell (James Preson McConnell), President of the Anti-Saloon…

VCU_HE 5614_2_M44 1950 Meet Death cover rsz.jpg
1950 public safety pamphlet containing "actual scenes photographed by Cincinnati Police Department." The images of automobile accidents resulting in death, remind the reader of the serious consequences of careless driving.Text inside back…

VCU_M 9 Box 243 CIC Southern women and the souths race problem cover rsz.jpg
Pamphlet published by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, written by Robert B. Eleazer, Educational Director. The pamphlet describes commission meetings in Memphis, Tn. and Atlanta, Ga., and the responsibility felt by southern white women…

VCU_M 9 B50 Just Govt League of Md 1913-1921_Why Should Wmn Vote cover rsz.jpg
Pro-suffrage pamphlet containing editorial cartoons by Lou Rogers, Phil Porter, and John T. McCutcheon, along with a map showing where women can vote.Excerpts: p.1 (cover) "WHY SHOULD WOMEN VOTE? This booklet contains all the OBJECTIONS to woman…

VCU_M 9 Box 37 Girls Home 502 W Clay Street p1 rsz.jpg
This informational brochure describes "interesting facts about the object, origin and progress" of a working-girls' home for self-supporting African American women in Richmond, Va. The project, described as a technical training school, was…

VCU_M 9 Box 49 Headquarters News Letter May 15 1916 cover rsz.jpg
Newsletter published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Editorial cartoon on cover by C. D. Batchelor is captioned, "IF YOU WOULD HAVE A FRIEND, BE ONE!" It shows a woman (suffrage) standing with her arms draped over a donkey (at…
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